Open-ended war continuation has so much momentum in the US that
President Trump’s announced pullout from Syria shocked the nation.
Followed up the same week with a drawdown from Afghanistan, the
mainstream is now completely apoplectic.
On the left and right, comfort with the status quo was virtually
uniform. The arguments behind condemning the drawdowns vary depending on
the side of the aisle the commenter is on, but the message is uniform
opposition to ending a war Congress never authorized in the first place.
Conservative hawks are playing the usual fear-mongering about threats
that have been ongoing since 2001, with suggestions that either not
being in Syria, or being in Afghanistan but at a lower troop number,
will lead to “the next 9/11.”
Perma-hawk Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has never seen an escalation he
didn’t like, and he is demanding Senate hearings on Trump’s troop level
changes. It’s not clear such hearings will happen, however.
In Afghanistan, this is hardly the first drawdown the US has done, and
despite Graham opposing them all, they’ve generally just happened. It’s
also not clear the Senate has any say in how the Syrian War is being
engaged in, or not engaged in, as the Senate has consistently refused to
vote on the question of authorizing the US to be in Syria in the first
Others were quick to call Trump’s policy in Syria “Obama-like,” even
though Obama is the one who sent troops to Syria in the first place, and
Trump campaigned in 2016, at least at times, on the idea of eventually
withdrawing. Eventually withdrawing works as a campaign slogan, but
clearly officials never expected it to happen as a real policy.
Among Democrats, the argument is a bit more confused but no less shrill,
as they’ve attacked Trump’s hawkish impulses, but are now accusing him
of acting hastily and arbitrarily in
ending the war. That Russia has not favored the US presence in Syria is
only riling up the argument that Putin is driving US policy as well.
Yet the arguments for staying in Syria, or Afghanistan, aren’t
particularly strong, and it is only that both parties’ leadership have
so consistently balked at exploring the question that seems to have left
many with the impression that the very question was off the table.
The American public, however, seems to broadly support Trump’s decision
to withdraw from Syria, and to bring some troops home from Afghanistan.
The White House switchboard is laden with calls of support.
“The White House switchboard is laden with calls of support.”
I believed that might be the case, but also feared that that belief was just my naive optimism. Good to hear this is the case.
F the elites! Bring all the troops home now! It’s what Donald ran on.
(sup)port the troops
so did obama
Well if the Orange One does a MacBeth and actually follows through on his campaing promises with respect to foreign policy, good on him! Now just no Ukraine/Russia build up, and he’s re-electable till 2024!
…..or South China Sea naval build-up
The Elites fear “potential threats re-appearing in the Mid East” – baloney – the Elites fear that Israel will get their tail caught in a closing door if the US military isn’t there to save them. Also, Lockheed and Raytheon are worried about their bottom line.
There has been no repudiation of Trump’s Israel firstness. He checked in with Bibi before he told anyone in his administration about his plans to pull troops from Syria, except Jared of course. Notice that there has been no comment from the Israelis? Next stop, Iran. Heaven help us.
I thought the same way about Israel’s lack of response. You’d think they’d be throwing a pissy fit.
A deal was done, just like with Turkey. That’s why Mattis bailed. Mattis out, Blackwater in. And, CIA/Mossad operatives will always be there for Israel.
It seems to me all the more proof that they’re getting ready to attack Iran !
If you wanted to do that, you’d first clear it with the Israelis and they’d be quiet (check) – or better yet, this would be their plan; then you would get US troops out of Syria to protect them from Iranian troops in Syria (invited by Assad), (check). then you would move one or two aircraft carriers into the Persian gulf (check)!
Then you would hit Iran on New Year’s Day (open), and then … you would take Trump down for starting an illegal war (open).
All birds down with Stalinesque (criminal) elegance!
….until Russia strikes all the US Naval vessels in the region with hyper-sonic missiles, and a sizable portion of The US fleet is burning and sinking in the waters surrounding the middle east. If Israel, or The US thinks they have thought this out, they are nuts. Watch Putin strike Dimona in the first wave of new nuclear cruise and Avengard missiles….. and watch Israel’s illegal nuclear inventory go up in a ball of flames. After that, Tel Aviv… and Jerusalem….poof they are gone! Trump..or the New World Order, Globalist advisers he is listening to are insane if they think Putin will give in, and we have no wealth left to re-build after such a war. Mr. Trump should think many times before he pokes The Russian Bear.
RJ O’Guillory
We’re all very lucky Putin has nerves of steel, doesn’t react to all these provocations but continues pursuing his national interest as favorable opportunities arise.
With the next guy after Putin we may not be so lucky, but maybe the empire will crack first.
I do not think it can happen now. Even if they somehow manage to get rid of MbS — Gulf states, Kuwait, Bahrein, Qatar, as well as other Arab states, Jordan, Iraq, Sudan and Egypt would not be on board — aleeady signaling conciliatory noises reconciling with Shia. While Saudis are angling for the most favorable ending to Yemen war — which I suspect is not alligned with US interest. UAE is already sending smoke sjgnals reopening embassy in Damascus. Jordan already did. They know it is over.
US aline attack Iran? Matus the Iran man is out — the man comming in us a heavy duty science, technology man — just what is needed to deal with the pile of cash in Pentagon, to avoid getting sales people bambozle technogy/science challenged top brass.
Good point; Mattis WAS the Iran man. They probably wouldn’t leave on that boat without him.
Ok Bianca, but this is Trump, whatever he does good or bad he does half-assed. I don’t think he’s planning an Iraq war I or anything like that, or even a Bush the lesser, “coalition of the willing,” he’s just going to bomb the crap out of the defunct, cemented and never threatening Iranian nuclear facilities and call it a victory.
I have noticed just the opposite — when there is no reaction, it is when Israel expects its forces in US to do the job. This has happened many times before. They cannot go after Trump — as he could then call their lack of gratitude. No, they need his goodwill, even as they have clearly given him nothing in peace orocess, while taking happily what he gave.
Trump’s message on Mattis departure was interesting. Clearly responding to criticism on hurting allies — responded something in the vein of allies should not use us.
True. Allies have been using us.
But interestingly — no European allies ever bothered to mention that OUR. allies in the Middle East are WELCOMING the withdrawal, and have been already reaching out to Damascus. Everybody for almist a year has pulled out of Syria mess. Only Europeans? Seriously?
On the other hand, there’s not much Israel can do either, just at the moment. Its Turkey for Christmas; its just a question of what and who gets served up – if the pullout succeeds.
Even with U.S. marines not in Syria as hostages against an Iran action, Iran is a very difficult nut to crack. Drone and cruise missile harassment would be of limited effect and cancel out the limited gains of the otherwise successful economic war against Iran.
Then who would rebuild? Russia and China. Where to strike? Certainly not the newly built, Indian-ran Iranian port of Chabahar. Just old infrastructure that needs replacing or nearly-impervious and inactive nuclear sites.
Military invasion is wholly impractical. The marines if taken out of Syria, aren’t going to change the leverage problem. The pullout does save a ton of money, though.
Militarily impractical wars would not deter the neocon neoliberals, true. Economically impractical wars, they might be flexible on as that threatens the point of warring in the first place.
Trump has been far less willing to sign off on kinetic escalations that stand a chance of becoming open-ended, very responsive to kinetic actions that go bad, and seems to have a better sense then the so-called adults in the Cabinet room as to when to close a money-losing enterprise.
17 years later, there has still not been even a half-ass official investigation of 9/11. And any other info has been repressed, including intimidating publishers from releasing books with actual facts about 9/11.
As planned for many years, 9/11 opened up the floodgates of Deep State control, pervasive surveillance, perpetual war in the ME, more aggressive Zionist fake journalism, etc.
…no, no, no…it was 19 Arabs operating from a cave in Afghanistan who did 911. Haven’t you been paying attention? Wouldn’t you love to have Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and GW Bush alone in a room, with a power-drill, uninterrupted for about an hour? Nothing illegal of course, as our pristine government has said that torture is legal, so I’m certain we’d learn a lot more about 911.
RJ O’Guillory
All these criminal warmongering “leaders” in the USA should have their homes blown up, their families killed/displaced/injured and their lives turned upside down for what they have supported and what they are now trying to continue! Maybe then they will get an idea of the damage they have done to mankind in the name of money and cowardice. May they suffer IMMENSELY for their lack of respect for humanity!!!
An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind, according to Ghandi.
Dump Pence and pick Rand Paul as VP candidate in 2020
google, “Sen. Rand Paul is blocking US military aid to Israel”
Rand Paul for President in 2020!!!
peace on earth
Dulce Et Decorum Est III
In due homage
to Horace, Owen & Mikhail
i humbly nod
for how sweet & glorious
it must be to kill or die
for God & country
via pompous duty
in ersatz honor
and a fool’s pride
so c’mon kiddies,
any up for good jingo sport?
who’s hungry & poor,
who wants to play
the hubris ‘anything for profit’ killing game?
As newspapers, rah rah
pied piper patriotism
with journalistic integrity
star spangled objectivity ha ha!
as a new battle/fear lies just around the corner
& armed forces day just weeks away hooray!
rally loyal citizens
to whitewash warm innocuous blood
off disgraced musket & sullied polluted flag
strike up the marching parade
manifest destiny down main street usa hurrah!
Awaken & open thine eyes
chauvinistic folk
come & see
your overseas deeds of nefarious brutality
You’re liable
for this appalling
tax-paid supported violence
exported to hamlets & villages
Assaulting families
who’ve never
did you any harm
in lands you’ve never heard of
nor care less for
so step on up
one & all
Take a trip
to the overflowing morgues
filled with small smashed bodies
once toddlers
full of laughter & life
Deeply inhale
the rancid stench
of scorched flesh
crispy burnt
to a black bubbly mass
by phosphorus
Gaze into doll dead eyes
frozen forever
by shock & awe
via your God blessed terror from overhead
Atop a cold gurney
a stiff finger of a tiny hand
amidst a mish-mosh of mangled flesh
bulls-eyed at you war supporters
as grief-stricken father’s
in shattered silence
sifting through ragged debris
devastating destruction
for lost sons
missing daughters
ripped wet mangled body parts
strewn out as pieces of a human jig-saw puzzle
taking home
the ear, the hand, the foot
to be quietly buried
while 6000 miles away
heroes giggle and snicker
calling this crime against humanity
to the heart-piercing shrieks
as soul-torn asunder mothers
wail like howling wild animals
as they find their loves buried
broken & bloody
in the rubble
of your glorious works
Then if you can
please explain
to the unresponsive moaning
neonatal orphan
why your armed forces
just murdered his parents
by accident
then wave a condolence payment
like juicy enticement in his face
as your special op-forces
silently & quickly
dig out bullets
from civilian bodies
to cover their tracks
from being at the wrong address
Declare as a national holiday
murdered women at a bridal shower
or when
4 kids are droned to smithereens
while tending sheep
in exported evil exploits
as great american victories
for which your war crimes always are
Trust flim-flam,
the PR propaganda spin
from subjective mass media
obey leaders and church bosses
pay your taxes
which finances anglo-terrorism
through illegal & immoral aggressive violence
Raise your polluted flag
higher higher ever higher
to cover the rising pile where the butchered lie
dear good christian citizens
no civic rag
could ever soar over
the sick slaying of the innocent
Consider Fallujha
surrounded & caged
as the cowering cringing unarmed civilian inhabitants
are shot, burned & barbequed
like slaughtered sitting ducks
in a ‘free-fire zone’ shooting gallery
upon your sanctimonious attack
at a school in Bajour
where 69 children are massacred by joystick
as you deceive yourself
into believing
it did not happen
washing your hands
turning as you walk away
This is Sand Creek
Wounded Knee
My Lai
too many other mass-media
contorted & distorted great triumphs
To whit
no doubt in my mind
the next war crime called
a ‘battle’
or a ‘humanitarian bombing’
will be patriotically anointed too
sanctioned of course
ta ta
Discover within the Courage to Dare and Resist Violence
So, it’s soon to be Armistice Day this 11-11-18. This is also called Remembrance Day, since it’s the day WWI ended with an armistice signed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month 1918. It’s been exactly 100 years boys and girls, and have we’ve learned our lessons from war and finally quit that scourge of humanity? Have we set aside those bookends of diseases, nationalism and militarism? Five generations and millions of war casualties later it should have been a no-brainer,right? But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let us go back in time 100 years.
This conflict was called the war to end all wars since it was so horrific and spurious that a future war of this magnitude would seemingly be too ridiculously insane to contemplate, let alone repeat. It was a war of rah rah nationalism, patriotism, kids running to enlist with the support of the homefront. ‘Home by Christmas’, was the mantra of both sides. But it became instead, 5 years of a nightmare. It was so repulsive and horrific that dozens of nations decided to outlaw war by signing an agreement to finally end the scourge of war forever. Endorsed in 1928 and still on the books, the Kellogg-Briand Pact which is still legally binding. It was contracted into law by the US Senate by a vote of 85-1.
So much for the dream that war would become a thing of the past and that humanity finally learned its lesson. This proclamation of an optimism for peace only lasted till 1939 with the start of world war ll and finally quashed in 1954 when this globalized hope became an americanized federal holiday called veterans day. Last year, Deferment president bone spurs declared November national veterans and military family’s month. This is now added to Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, the entire month of May is Military Appreciation Month, Armed Forces Week(in may),in April we have Month of the Military Child. In all, a total of 48 days ‘honoring’ the American military industrial machine and cogs thereof. We also have flag day, loyalty day, etc. And of course, mustn’t forget the pledge of allegiance which is demanded of every child 5 days a week from kindergarten to 12th grade until death. Do you see a pattern here good free citizen?
Running off with a flag in one hand and a gun in another to terrorize using the tactic of shock and awe on peoples all over the world is not defensive protection of American shores but simply a pretext to acquire by force trade routes, contracts and acquisition of resources for corporate self-interests and of course, more importantly, to instill nondemocratic regimes compliant and subservient under American hegemony. Your being indoctrinated since childhood to becoming immune to the values and principles that you pledge to. It’s a flim-flam to corrupt your social need for loyalty and honor to support the dishonorable. This is what the founding fathers warned us about and advised us not to do. “If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” -James Madison
“No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. ” -James Madison
“Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.” -James Madison
The Great War as it was called, was to make the world safe from, I mean safe for diluted democracy, or more honestly for the plutocracy was simply war for economic dominance between two conflicting sides. From this insidious war begot WW2, and then morphing into the cold war to vomit out into our present ‘war’ of terror, using terrorism on those who dare not to succumb to our invasive jingo hectoring. Always an enemy to fear to fight and to conquer to dominate under an economic thumb from the genocidal and ethnic cleansing of 330+ Indian tribes to our present slaughter we are committing around the world which couldn’t be done without amoral troops, those brainwashed gangsta’s of capitalism and blind-support from home.
I understand the concept (but personally vehemently disagree with) that nations or empires need to defend their borders as in our case, from the NSA, from FBI invented and funded plants, retaliation from CIA terror attacks on allies, civilians, drone terrorism inflicted on grandmothers, pregnant women, children medics, american citizens, from southern neighbors coming back to their land that was stolen by us, from the truth. Now president bone spurs deferment president is sending 5 armed soldiers to confront every 1 unarmed refuge walking hundreds of miles to seek alyssum in this land.
Yet our storm troopers are used for aggressive warfare all over the world and it is not just immoral it is illegal. The ‘war on terror’, ‘support the troops’, ‘navy, a global force of good’, God bless america’ and the other meaningless, silly propaganda slogans are designed to compel one and all to fall in line in quiet obedience and goose-stepping compliance is the prodding for dumbed down sheeple who refuse to hear, see, think about the odium they, we, are responsible and accountable for. Because we must support the troops, does this mean that we support the policies that send our kids to kill and die in lands not our own, or support what they do over there?
Thank you Marine General Butler who wrote the greatest essay concerning this in his: “War is a Racket.” Thank you conscientious objectors; you have the courage and brains to be the real heroes of peace. For the vets by becoming unthinking assassinations, gangsters of capitalism, unethical war ho’s, hired guns not for your nation’s defense but for self-serving, greedy oligarchic owners thank you from the graves of over 1 million Iraqis, hundreds of thousands
of Afghans, Yemi, Pakistanis, Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, slaughtered people of many nations all over the world just to make you feel good and warm about an odious thing. How many were slaughtered and for what, for a filthy polluted false flag and for a lie?
What honor is there in dishonorable acts? Heroes are those who save lives not those who take them. Support the troops? Is this an implication to basically; support the team? What if the ‘team’ is committing acts that are illegal and immoral violating virtually everything the team members were taught as children at home, at church and at school to honor as probity? And after we do our carnage we then walk away without a backward glance, patting ourselves on the shoulders pretending our horror was a good deed. And you expect any civil human being with a conscience to honor this dishonor, to thank a vet? Are you that psychopathic?
If I can convince one kid not to join the military, then I have accomplished much. Thank a vet for becoming a gangsta’ of capitalism, a war ho, becoming un-american by joining a force that has mutated into the greatest terrorist criminal organization the world has ever known, that is nefarious? Thank a vet for being a killing machine for the 1%? Thank a vet for being un-american by committing un-american acts? I’m not ungrateful, just a bit more honest and objective, less nationalistic, never patriotic and a bit more empathetic to your victims. I simply prefer to follow the messages of the so-called prince of peace,Gandhi,buddha,mlk,etc who taught one to love one’s enemy and commands us not to kill, to put down the sword rather than to blindly, without conscience, not follow the gods of war like stupid lemmings to the butchery of others. Thank a vet? For making us all less free, less safe by killing human beings who are no threat to us, destroying buildings, towns, cities, ancient civilizations, while militarily occupying other lands? This noxious nationalistic addiction to manic militarism and phony faux patriotism is killing this society’s sullied soul. Thank a vet? No thanks.
“There’d be no war today-If mothers all would say: “I didn’t raise my boy to be a soldier.” Because you know our leaders would never fight. The rich profit and the poor die…That is nothing to be thankful about…But it is something to be ashamed of we have to stop. Offense is not defense. More $ spent on militarism does not make you safe but quite the opposite and it’s a complete robbery of your future for the debt will be paid in more ways than one. When chickens come to roost. When blowback becomes a tide rising to your shores and its simply karma babe. Now we a few thousand human beings fleeing destitution and violence from their lands. Did we not, and still do have for decades declared ourselves a nation that welcomes the poor, by our lantern atop Ellis island? What strength it must take to leave most of what you have behind to strike out to start a new life. Akin to those who fled to the west over century ago and those who came across the pond for the same reason centuries ago. And now instead of welcoming, armed soldiers are sent to block unarmed refugees seeking asylum. What have we become? How ironic that those who support this call themselves Christians. This is not more an act of Christianity than one who robs you and then calls it an act of generosity. It is quite the opposite. It is nefariousness incarnate.
So I will quote from the book these hypocrites say they believe in: Matthew 25:34-36
Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’
Here is a quote from someone who was no god but was a wise man; “Our prime purpose in this life is help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” Dalai Lama XIV. Name me a higher wisdom than kindness folks? Tell me a r a higher calling than to heal, succor, comfort? Thou shalt not kill is not a request or finishes with a ‘but’. And it’s rather direct. War is quite the opposite and those who support it, participate in it are committing crimes against humanity. So, thank a vet? No thanks. “The pioneers of a warless world are the youth refuse military service.” Al Einstein. “War will exit until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.” JFK. And again, this is Armistice Day!
Yeah, its sad how Remembrance Day message has changed form “Never again” to “Throw good blood and treasure after the bad-spent to honour the troops.”
Only time will tell if Trump will end America’s one and only “jobs” program. Keep in mind that the US doesn’t count special forces, private contractors, or spooks as troops.
Stay vigilant, but until we see sanctions dropped you can bet there’s a chance this all just another PR stunt designed to distract us from their next move.
I’d stay away from the windows and hire more security if I were Cheeto.
This reminds me of my city council’s reaction to marijuana being legalized in my state. Hide your children.
… But not with the stash…
CNN says Trump has “slipped his restraints,” like a crazy person on the lam, for winding down two pointless wars just in time for Christmas. Bah Humbug, warmongers!
No surprise here, every official from president to dog catcher gets objections to a changed policy. Congress has led this change starting with the passage of the Yemen vote, trump is wise to get on board.
Lindsey Graham is spouting his fear speech about “another 911” if the troops are withdrawn from Syria. He might be right since Israel now is further isolated and since it did the first 911 to draw the USA into Middle Eastern wars for its own agenda. The next thing Trump should do, before ANOTHER FALSE FLAG, is open a REAL investigation into the first 911. That will nip the “next” 911 in the bud when most Americans finally pull their heads out and realize they’ve been lied to BIG TIME since 911 and their “friend” in the Middle East has been stabbing America in the back!
“That Russia has not favored the US presence in Syria is only riling up the argument that Putin is driving US policy as well.”
If Putin drives us out of the Middle East, I say hand him the keys.
Only Israel wants American Troops in Syria, it is cost effective for them. So now Israeli agents in Washington are working overtime to reverse this decision, they stopped the withdrawal before so there is a good chance they will be successful in keeping Americans in Syria.
Trump is pulling out to avoid a humiliating defeat
like France’s Dien Bien Phu.
Several thousand GIs are in danger. Syria, Russia, Iran, and Turkey want them gone one way or another. Russia has command of the air. There will be no air cover for anything the US could do in Syria. US is there with no fig leaf of justification. Everybody who is paying attention knows ISIS is a Zionist CIA terrorist army that killed thousands. Russia wiped most of them out and Russians died doing it. The Russian military is raging pissed at Israel and the US who have Russian blood on their hands in Syria. I would not surprise me if Putin told Trump that he can’t stop the campaign to finish ISIS and anyone who interferes. Thumbs up to Trump for taking the hint, however his pathetic lies about defeating ISIS are embarrasing.
We need to have hearings on which nation Lindsay serves, also Chuck, Nancy and the entire neocon gang. Unfortunately, Trump, too.
When will Chuck and Nancy denounce Israel’s walls, and scream for open borders for Israel? Trump could hang them on this point, if he and Jared were not controlled by Adelman, Bibi, AIPAC, etc.
…I wrote Trump sometime ago and and asked him if he had intended to run for Prime Minister of Israel, as opposed to The Office of President of The US? I wondered if he was confused? Sickening.
RJ O’Guillory
American Kurdistan does not pay for itself like Afghanistan’s opium fields do, so that’s where the real panic of a pullout is directed. The Syrian occupation is a money hole unlike any other money hole on the imperial periphery. Even the Kiev can sort of support itself. American Kurdistan is a straight loss.
Odds are if a pretext to remain in Syria isn’t made, then a tradeoff, permitting a Syria pullout in exchange for remaining in Afghanistan will be put to Trump behind closed doors.
A lot will depend on how well the handoff to Turkey goes and if Erdogan can avoid MbS-ing himself.