The question of attacking Syria was a major point of debate during the 2016 election, with President Trump warning against the idea, as potentially leading to a war with Russia, and Hillary Clinton campaigning heavily on the idea of attacking Syria.
Two and a half months after the inauguration, President Trump attacked Syria last night, firing 59 Tomahawk missiles at them. And while a lot of the people who agreed with Trump the candidate are confused and concerned by the attack, Democrat hawks are thrilled, this being a war they’d wanted for a long time.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry insisted he was “gratified” that Trump had attacked Syria, adding that he believes more military action would be a way for the US to produce a peace deal in Syria after years of civil war. Kerry was a leading proponent of the 2013 US invasion of Syria, which was scrapped because of Congressional opposition.
It doesn’t appear that Trump will be facing any such opposition, with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D – CA) urging a quick Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Syria for Trump, while Congressional leaders cheered the attack as “appropriate and just” and appeared in no hurry to even debate the AUMF, content to leave the attack just another unauthorized war.
Even Hillary Clinton seems to be on the same page with Trump at this point, as she issued a public statement calling on the US to attack Syrian airfields just hours before the Trump Administration actually started firing the missiles.
Why even bother having a democratic party anymore? They might as well join the republicans.
EXACTLY! At least you know who is running against the incumbent, and you can register as a puke and get all their slimy news. I once was a DUMB, but now I am going to hold my nose and become a PUKE to vote against THEM 🙂
As far as what’s happening so far in the Trump administration, it is almost as if the Democrats DID win! So much for democracy! The War Party ALWAYS wins USA elections because every President has to suck up to it. If they don’t, they get “dealt” with.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry insisted he was “gratified” that Trump had attacked Syria
That’s the guy who admitted that “we thought we could control ISIS”.
Why isn’t he hanging on the White House lawn?
The Democrat Party is on its way to becoming as useless as the F-35 if its officials keep up this
Does Gulf of Tonkin “incident” ring any bells?
Not like the Iraq WMD issue.
Gosh, they’re awfully chipper about a 61% missile failure rate.
Of 59 missiles fired, 23 hit, destroying some nine or so obsolete Syrian aircraft and not damaging Ash Sha’irat military airbase sufficiently to prevent renewed flight operations. Which Syria needed to do since the Homs DAESH began immediate attacks against the Syrian army, apparently expecting no air cover.
What would the warhawks do if the Russian and Syrians shot back, as they would if the Chinese President and his delegation weren’t hostages against just such a response? Dirty tricks like that tend to work only once.
I don’t think the failure rate is relevant. We’ve done nothing but fail but that hasn’t stopped us or dulled the enthusiasm for more.
Why? Raimondo isn’t quite finished with his faith in Trump yet, as regards Russia and Putin.
I was responding about the missile rate failure being relevant. Man, lose the obsession with Justin Raimondo.
That’s a good point…. scary, but quite accurate.
It is safe to say that it will be a while before Xi or Putin accept Trump’s hospitality again.
That’s the thing; its not about Trump anymore. Jered ‘The Sassoon’ Kushner very much appears to have been crowned prince of a shadow administration. Unlike Trump, Kushner ‘The Sassoon’ has all the connections with Israel to suggest he’s well-qualified to do so – sort of.
Well, except for the problem that everyone voting Trump thought they were getting America First, not Israel First by stealth-in-law.
Markus Wolf, the infamous East German superspymaster, perfected the use of the honeytrap. Its so standard now that even the British Metropolitan Police use it. Recall the Markus Kennedy/Jim Boyling et al., scandal in 2011. Metro police spies infiltrating an eco-activist group went so far as to have intimate relations with activists women, and even marry and have children with at least one.
Trump’s been gunning for the presidency for most of his adult life. Tagging his daughter would be a no-brainer for a spymaster with resources to spare. There’s plenty of legit MSM stuff on the Kushner-Ivanka romance; it almost didn’t happen. But it did, and now Kushner is the senior partner of a Trump administration.
Missing 36 tomahawks never found, just some parts near Latakia. These missiles were vaporized, and not by traditional air defense.
Yeah, I like the ideas you Americans come up with but I doubt that the Martians or your god has the power to vaporize missiles.
Or were you thinking of something a little more novel?
The Russians for sure know what happened to those missing missiles, but wherever they landed would also give away defense capabilities and perhaps positions. The Americans might know but they certainly won’t let the Russians know how well they can see past the Syrian A2AD screen.
Vaporizing missiles… not very likely. Laser or microwave weaponry are still in their infancy and the amount of power needed to vapourize even a comparatively small tomahawk does not appear achievable.
The Russians have since decided to add ‘near object’ missiles to their S-400 systems in Syria. Maybe 23 hits was still unexpectedly high.They clearly expect more potshots and aren’t going to leave the next round to the Syrians alone.
It’s been spun as a complete success with all missiles hitting their targets. There’s little to gain in proving otherwise. There’s something to gain in being persistent on the UN being allowed to investigate, even after the fact that Trump has started the war before it could be determined on where the guilt lies.
Yeah, but who believes the MSM anymore? All the real Indie sites are pointing out the missing missiles and Russian news certainly isn’t shy about reporting it. Most people serious about knowing what’s going on cross-ref whenever and whenever they can.
This won’t blunt attempts by the Russians for a full investigation of the so-called chemical attack, but it very much appears to be DEASH’s new defensive tactic, use larger numbers of human shields to deter attacks. Mosul was the same deal, it just that the Americans got caught that time in a more conventional bombing. Apart from the DAESH having some mind(s) of their own, their covert agency sponsors are probably still at odds with the more overt Pentagon over their final disposition.
There was no way the Syrians could have known what, if any chemicals were in the ammo-dump they bombed, nor could the Russians, and the DAESH and their handlers aren’t going to admit to extra-spiking the place.
Russian-Syrian airstrikes have been going on for quite some time, and this is a first. Allowing for perhaps smaller incidental hits, reported as Syrian gas attacks, since the Syrians disposed of their chemical arsenal. DAESH and their sponsors simply upgraded their defense against airpower; use more human shields and play media exposure such that ‘collateral damage’ can’t brush off the level of carnage.
On the plus side, it does force the Russians and Americans to be more circumspect about collateral damage. An unexpected side benefit of Russia-hate and Trump-hate.
What would we do if all of our debt was called due on Monday? How would the USA respond? What if they didn’t want our phony paper printed dollars, they wanted gold which was the was our treasury was meant to back our paper dollar.? Can they show us the gold to back every dollar that is printed? I feel that as a taxpayer we should be entitled to know that our dollars are backed by the gold we were told they would be.
Time to show that we have the capability to pay the responsibilities to the world, before any more money is given to the Pentagon. Time for an OUTSIDE AUDIT OF THE US COMPLETE MILITARY & INTELLIGENCE BUDGETS. We are forced to pay, so we should see where our investment is going .
If it were possible to make the transition, the U.S. would literally nuke it if it wasn’t on top of the transition. Gadaffi tried floating the Libyan gold dinar and the response and outcome was overwhelmingly negative. Everyone got the message, including the Kremlin and Great Hall of the People.
In any case, U.S. dollars are the new opium. No-one that matters wants to go cold turkey on their own overprinted fiat currencies cut without U.S. dollars.
Also, spending money on an expensive audit to confirm that the investment is tanking is just us caught in the same thinking trap the MIC is in. Someday some historian may audit what’s left of our books for free, just like we did the Romans.
Besides, how could anyone explain the black books; such as that Afghanistan’s opium drug trade probably more than pays for itself for the Deep State? Those black accounts would be the books that matter and no white economy auditer of today is ever going to see them without a serious non-disclosure agreement.
Now we need to step back here just a second. Where are all the Trumpites that should be jumping all over this? Have they just discovered that all that money that was going for their Humpty Trump Dumpty sat on a wall, will now go to buy that new RENDITION Jet that Dumpty Trump needs for his war.
Talk about SUCKERS! They bought him hook, line, and sinker! You need to be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. Trumpites wanted a two year old SPOILED ROTTEN WORTHLESS BRAT, but they settled for an IDIOT! They got themselves a GREAT POS! Hope they all fall in with that POS dictator. NOT MY POS!
And now it’s time for everyone to come together once again at this site and oppose the new war. It will be in full swing shortly but it could differ this time because of Russia’s and China’s interests.
This is not a war. This is a flat out invasion against a country that has done nothing to the USA, and the USA should be brought up on human rights violations. None of these people tend to understand that Hitler didn’t take power, it was given to him by the people.
I stand with all my Syrian friends that are suffering due to Trump, and I will continue along with the Women’s March groups. They did not appreciate this and actually believe it may have been one of the supplies that the Rebels had hold of. There are 3 sites that the Rebels hold that Assad knows about. My source comes from one who was raised there and lived 40 miles away. He gets his info directly from his family that still lives there as well as friends that lives in the town near the airfields.
People clearly are not educated to understand that a narcissist, is not capable of empathy, and Trump is totally out in Disneyland. This strike was brought on by his daughter & son in laws request. Not given an authorization to commit war against another country. Why didn’t he just appoint his daughter to the court jester seat? He is the one that has destroyed the court now for the rest of my life and I don’t appreciate it. This is the best reason I can think of for limiting the number of kids you can have.
Kids get stupider every generation that education is dumbed down just a bit more, and now Betsy DeVos has destroy Public Schools and other schools forever. All these Christians our there better pray to God; and kiss their asses goodby to the USA, that was once loved and wanted to be emulated by countries and people around the world. Since Jimmy Carter, who by the way gave us the FISA ILLEGAL COURT. we have been nothing but the Great white Satan. So true and so embarrassing to belong in such a country that use to be freer than it is today.
Who has been a REAL PRESIDENT since Kennedy? Nixon was a crook and Johnson was a war hawk and crook like Trump. Total idiots. Kennedy died going against the CIA and so Trump will back away like the scared little rabbit Obama did. No difference. Still more illegal wars and nothing for people ANYWHERE other than bombs 🙁
To think that in 9 days we are FORCED by the USA to give them our dollars for them to SQUANDER on more illegal wars, while our country continues into a 3rd World Country, lacking education & infrastructure!
If the US government has alienated China & Russia as they have alienated the Americans against Trump, he is in big S**T! I don’t support this and anyone that does is really stupid. 25 years is ENOUGH Already! THIS IN NOT MY WAR, & NOT MY GOVERNMENT. IMPEACH!
The Trumpites POS was better than your POS! Trump hasn’t done anything regarding Syria that your POS wouldn’t have done.
“Even Hillary Clinton”? Hillary’s in the mad dog kennel with McCain and Graham and their ilk…
And the top dog in the kennel for the moment is Don Trump
In reality there never was any doubt that Trump would do it. And there is no doubt that he will do Iran too. He’s actually said he would.
Anything Trump said about Syria in his campaign speeches was baloney for campaign purposes. It’s much more likely that Trump couldn’t have found Syria on a map at the time and didn’t particularly care anyway.
Yes, Americans have been duped, but they still haven’t accepted the depth of the duping.
Yes, they all are and now it’s time to go beyond the US partisan politics. To not is to be a victim of the propagandist who work for war through our divisions.
Seem like the attacks were planned to do minimal damage. Maybe just a way to get the warmongering media off their backs for a while.
7 people were killed in this attack. That more than were killed by the Boston Marathon bombers.
Both parties are cheering Trump. This isn’t partisan politics on the domestic scene anymore Jason Ditz, and to make it so is destroying most of the antiwar momentum we might have. Raimondo always hanles that task well by himself.
What has become buried and is so crucial to our cause is keeping the idea of a thorough UN investigation on the table. That is the way the Iraq war was feisted upon the world in that Hans Blix was cut off at the knees before being able to make the final proclamation of no WMD’s existing in Iraq.
We must not allow them to get away with the same tactic! Only Wilkerson, a couple of days ago, mentioned the necessity of a proper UN investigation. Since then the subject has not been allowed to be discussed on any media outlets. Even Canada’s Neil Macdonald neglected to go there. It appears that it’s forbidden.
Do you seek the TRUTH, about what is REALLY going on in this world?
The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government & Its Silent Coup
Read the comments, in the ‘comments’ section, at the link (above), IF you care at all, about the TRUTH.
All antiwar efforts are making a contribution to our cause but you’re not going to get a significant number of people reading alternative media.
What we can do is persist on demanding a UN investigation because that is the only way of breaking through the US propaganda barrage we face.
Hillary made clear again in her comments on this strike that she wanted a LOT more than just an airstrike.
Neocons are not likely to get that from Trump. They dream, this strike inspired hopes for more, but they are a long way from the warmonger-in-chief they had with Bush/Cheney and would have had with Hillary.
Not only the Dems, but the warmongering faction of the Repubs like McCain, Little Marco, etc. The Bush Repubs.
The cannot agree on anything Congress is United around the war of aggression cause.
C*nt’s of a feather….
Love the profanity comrade! Maybe if it gets strong enough it will drive away the Christians. That would be at least three-quarters of those who cling to hope with Trump.
Both parties are standing behind Trump and his bombing of Syria.
No US war is going to be prevented by Americans. That’s now pretty obvious from the comments on this site and that has to be the best reps of the antiwar cause the US has to offer.
It’s in the hands of Russia and China now.
There is more to America than this site. The Orange Jesus Davidians have begun to turn in the Don. Hell, even Justin seems to have an orange Kool-Aid hangover now. Here, try some of these…
The alt-right is also turning on him. The Daily Caller has turned. Michael Savage has also turned. I haven’t checked others yet. Give us some time here.
Sure R.P., but you don’t have a lot of time.
If I heard any major media outlets questioning the guilt of Assad then we would know we have some kind of movement starting that can stop Trump. There’s none and it’s as if they’re not allowed to even mention the question.
The propagandists’ opinions must be protected and kept secure at all costs now. I don’t seen any breaking through and that is critical to the antiwar effort.
Sincere or not, Tulsi Gabbard spoke the message flawlessly but she’s only one person who will undoubtedly be accused of hating babies.
So basically Trump is taking orders from Hillary. The US is a one-party state.