Netanyahu was not only outraged by today’s bloody attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, but demanded that everyone else be outraged as well. He also wanted to make it clear he blames the Palestinian Authority for the incident, and President Abbas in particular.
That is despite Israeli police saying the attackers were likely “lone wolves” who attacked without any orders from any Palestinian organization, and certainly weren’t acting on Abbas’ say so.
Israel’s Shin Bet also offered a fairly publicly rebuke of Netanyahu’s assessment, saying that not only is Abbas not publicly inciting terror, as Netanyahu claims, but that he isn’t doing so privately either.
Rather, the Shin Bet chief sees the primary incitement coming from Israel’s far-right MPs, citing their attempts to change the status of the al-Aqsa Mosque and visits to the Temple Mount as fueling a lot of the tensions in Jerusalem.
Netanyahu is unlikely to change his policy of the basis of the Shin Bet assessment, both because it doesn’t fit into his talking points and because he is already having enough trouble keeping the far-right coalition members from revolting. Still, that Shin Bet is willing to publicly go against him suggests a very strong disagreement on the matter, which may temper Netanyahu’s vows to crack down on the Palestinians in retaliation.
A class war within an occupation, a double impossibility for Palestine to contend with
There is the Hamas laboring-class Party that represents the lower half of society, then there is the Abbas well to do ruling-class Party which represents the forth of society that hoards most of the wealth in Palestine.
So, when Hamas won the election to rule over all of Palestine, in quick order did Abbas have the PLO fascist police execute a coup and imprison the Hamas politicians in Gaza. For the Abbas ruling-class found democracy under the Hamas laboring-class so humiliating, that they would rather suffer slavery at the hands of Israel.
So, Netanyahu spoke a profound truth when he blamed a large part of the uprising on Abbas and his fascist PLO, for if the Hamas democracy had been allowed to rule, over half of the oppression that the people of Palestine must suffer would have disappeared.
Politics and Pride. Netanyahoo has boxed himself into a corner he won't escape. He could, but he won't because saving his alliances with the right wing wackos (and his job) are more important than alleviating the tensions and maybe even securing peace. He is a slave to saving face and his place in Israeli history. But, regardless of what HE wants, his place in Israeli history is already being written but not as he imagines.
Netanyahu is of the school that believes Israel can simply never do or be wrong, and if it appears Israel did do something wrong, then it must be some "others" fault. Abbas and Hamas are just the most convenient "others."
He was not outraged. What a stupid comment. He longs for an excuse to push to the public the murder of Palestinians. He is a murderer. An evil killer. He is the worst humanity has to offer the world. Israel has become The most vile corrupt government on Earth.