Six weeks of US airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq didn’t amount to much of a change on the ground, as ISIS quickly adapted and stopped leaving expensive vehicles out in the open where they could get bombed.
Today, the Pentagon has warned that the airstrikes in Syria are going to end up the exact same way, with ISIS expected to quickly change tactics and adapt, making it more difficult to pick out targets.
What damage the strikes have done, Pentagon officials say ISIS will easily rebound from, and picking future targets will require “competent partners” on the ground to spot.
That the US doesn’t have particularly competent partners is western Iraq, let alone in ISIS-held Syria, doesn’t seem to be impacting their ambitions for a long and ever-expanding war. This suggests that despite Pentagon promises to try to limit civilian casualties in the air war, there is little reason for American pilots to have any real clue who they’re dropping bombs on.
Those who are for divided Iraq and supporting ISIS as a buffer zone between Iran, Iraq and Syria already succeeded by creating ISIS, if you look at the Iraq, Syria map and where isis is creating the caliphate regime you see that the idea by Joe Biden is taking shape, the way that pentagon is acting lately, it seams that they are for ISIS to stay, like when they say "isis will adopt to bombing", is almost like saying, let's get out of there and let "them" to solve the problem we created for them to deal with!
Well that's a brilliant insight, Pentagon! And when Obama caves in and sends ground troops, IS won't change tactics and adapt?
Any new weapon or tactic brought to the battlefield has a limited life. Remembering that ISIS fighters are no less intelligent human beings than anybody else, they will adapt quickly. A best the US will help "downsize" the ISIS payroll by killing its stupidest members – the ones that sleep in or beside their vehicles, don't dig in, don't use camouflage etc.
Look forward to breath-taking announcements of completely unknown "key leaders" taken out in brilliant strikes. Seems like a win except if Hitler was assassinated in 1938 WW2 might have been avoided, but if he had been killed in late 1941 the Nazis might well have won WW2. Pretty sure Mc Nutjob thinks he could win this thing if Obomber was out of the way.
Huge waste of money and effort that is bound to fail.
General George Patten
“Americans love war,
we love a good fight”
Or so the militarized propaganda strives to brainwash. Problem is, our generals love above all things to kill Americans, just give them the warm bodies of our youth so idealistic and the greater their suffering, the greater then will be the funding and promotions of our generals.
Add to this the dictator mentality of Obama, a greater tyrant then Papa Doc of Haiti fame, greater then all the slave traders of oil who has since he took office done everything possible to start World War Three so that to his glory the greatest war time president does he become…
Add to this the corporate rich power combine that has always ruled our Empire and you have the ultimate conclusion of democracy, the illusion that half of society should have unlimited power to enrich themselves upon the misery of the other half.
Gosh I guess Obama will just have to send in ground troops even though he rilly rilly rilly doesn't wanna (har-har-har).
look: ISIS is a murderos cult, their idea based on being a murderos regimes as their caliphate regime was and still exist in Saudi arabia in Qatar in Kuwait and other part of UAE. They might drive Mercedes or Cadillac and have a privet jet but on of that means that they are civilized, the ISIS leaders well enjoy the same luxurious life yet keeping their murderos cult.
Those whom are bombing ISIS needs to go after Turkish Erdogan regime, chevron, Exxon, BP, 76, Philips, the Italian, French and all other oil companies demanding, forcing these regimes stop buying stolen Syria people oil.
ISIS income was 3 million dollars per day, now they say is 2 million dollars per day, if no one buys their stolen oil then they would have zero income. The source of the problem is the fraud, the decite and the social economic systems ruling the USG/EU deceitful politics. Syrian government didn't invent such deceitful situation, the capitalism from the west, the black oil companies mafia market in EU and USA did, syrian government didn't invent ISIS, the friend of EU/USG hand in hand did creat ISIS.
we're already hearing ISIS are not around when the bombs drop on Syria, and now:
Hezbollah: US Bombing Iraqi Army, Popular Forces' Positions Not ISIL
"The intentional bombing of armed forces and popular forces shows wicked intentions of the US and the international cover-up of this attempt on the pretext of fighting ISIL," an informed source from Iraq's Hezbollah Battalions told the Arabic-language Al-Moslah news website.
"Had the United States been honest in its claims, it would have targeted the ISIL positions in Jorf Al-Sakhar, Faloujah, and other regions identified by us instead of striking the Army and popular forces in Al-Awisat in Northern Babil last Wednesday," the source said.
He further said the US had used smart bombs and missiles in targeting the Iraqi army and popular forces twice in the last one month, and stressed that this could not have happened by mistake as the munitions used in the operations were smart and equipped with hi-tech….…