The first 130 US soldiers arrived today in Poland, the initial deployment of several hundred ground troops across Eastern Europe. US Ambassador Stephen Mull presented the deployment as part of a “solemn obligation” to confront Russia militarily.
Polish officials were also quick to paint the move as an overt challenge to Russia, with Prime Minister Donald Tusk saying it was a guarantee of Polish security from a Russian invasion.
Pentagon spokesman Admiral John Kirby also presented the move as a “message to Moscow,” insisting the handful of troops proved the US takes its military obligations in Europe “very, very seriously.”
Though NATO officials have repeatedly claimed a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent, so far nothing has happened. The US endorsed Ukrainian military offensive against cities along the Russian border have certainly raised tensions, but so far Russia has not crossed the border.
We warned anti war before and warning people again: get ready for a bigger war as long as Obama and later for Hillary Clinton to takeover the upperclass, far right democrats warmongering establishment.
You are correct, but it seems that you are blaming the democrats for this. Do you think the republicans we do any different?
Two wings of the same party these days. As seen by the fact that many of the donors give to both parties to make sure they are covered no matter how the elections turn out.
Don't vote for candidates with money. Those millions for TV ads are just proof they've been bought. Vote for a broke candidate who lives in a neighborhood like yours and who's regularly scorned by the tv stations where they can't afford to advertise anyways. When people start rejecting the slick campaigns full of money, the world can change very quickly
We live in a new digital era with the new communications capability provided by the internet. Candidates can now communicate directly with the voters without the media middlemen and the millions of dollars that ***REQUIRES***. Which will make possible political campaigns with minimal money.
The current disgust of voters with both parties makes this moment the most favorable ever for a third party, even as the the internet makes it possible to campaign with a minimum of "campaign funding" (ie, special interest bribery).
We live in a new digital era with new communications capability provided by the internet. Candidates can now communicate directly with the voters without the media middlemen and the millions of dollars they demand for their ***SERVICES***. That in turn, will make possible political campaigns with minimal money.
The current disgust of voters with both parties makes this moment the most favorable ever for a third party, even as the the internet makes it possible to campaign with a minimum of "campaign funding" (ie, special interest bribery).
It is not about democrats nor the republicans, the matter is about warmongering habits by both parties, the upper class, far right politician that are bought by the system , those whom are the commodity of capitalism economic system, those that are exchanged for vulture capitalism "interests" around the world every four years.
America, effectively speaking is actually a one-party state. Doesn't make a whit of difference who is in power. We need new parties that really represent the people.
So Poland is spouting that the Paratroopers are there to protect her, a further escalation of the activities started by the US in Ukraine!
Do they actually want a War? Going the right way to start one, the US must have this magic new weapon to stop Nuclear weapons because any attack on Russian Territory WILL end up with a Nuclear exchange, and I would argue that China will not sit idly by on the basis that they are in the same boat as Russia being threated by the US!
Do they actually want a war? I look at the language being used, and can't come to any other conclusion. "A solemn obligation to confront Russia militarily"? That's the kind of lunatic talk that got one marginalized immediately in what I now realize were "the good old days" of the Cold War. The Cold War pushed hot wars to the margins, the outbacks, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Now the hot war looms where it was always dreaded, the plains of southeastern Europe. The side that starts to lose will do what every Cold War wargame warned: go nuclear.
Obama has breathtaking rhetorical talent. But that's all he has. When it comes to a showdown, when it comes to ***ACTION***, against opposition pols or testosterone-overdosed pentagon generals, he's proven himself to be pathetically weak, his favorite tactic: "el foldo" acquiescence.
When confronted with a war with Russia, a war which once engaged would with high probability lead to a full nuclear exchange, Obama will soil himself.
You brought up China's role in this business. China will back Russia right up to the point of war. Then she will back off, preferring neutrality and survival as her two main competitors for global influence posture their way toward mutual annihilation.
However, this scary scenario will not come to pass. Because Europe doesn't want a war — nuclear of otherwise — in their backyard, and won't permit their civilization to be vaporized in a suicidal civilization-ending war of the Neocon poodle empire.
Obama has breathtaking rhetorical talent. But that's all he has. When it comes to a showdown, when it comes to ***ACTION***, against opposition pols or testosterone-overdosed pentagon generals, he's proven himself to be pathetically weak, his favorite tactic: "el foldo" acquiescence.
When confronted with a war with Russia, a war which once engaged would with high probability lead to a full nuclear exchange, Obama will soil himself.
You brought up China's role in this business. China will back Russia right up to the point of war. Then she will back off, preferring neutrality and survival, leaving her two main competitors for global influence to posture their way toward mutual annihilation.
However, this scary scenario will not come to pass. Because Europe doesn't want a war — nuclear of otherwise — in their backyard, and won't permit their civilization to be vaporized in a suicidal civilization-ending war of the Neocon-poodle empire.
One hundred thirty U.S. soldiers taking on Russia! I know our troops are good, but our General Don Quixote would be better off if he'd deploy the troops against windmills.
Don't say that. I'm sure the oil companies have been itching to try to start a war on windmills for years now. 🙂
US troops are good simply because they have the mean to kill humengous amount of innocents, mothers and babies.
The past 20 years have, ad-nauseam, demonstrated that the US, its elites and legions have no honor and aren't any better at fighting than any average soldiers of any nation.
From hope to the world the uS has turned into a megalomaniac psychopath
Is anyone laughing yet? 600 troops placed at the Russians doorstep?
Especially when they are in Poland, which Russia hasn't threatened at all, in order to supposedly stop a Russian invasion a thousand miles away on the other side of the Ukraine.
I doubt the Russians take any of this nonsense very seriously – the Americans are acting like clowns. This is all to convince its own people, in the US and EU, that Russia is really, really the bad guy.
America hasn´t come close to winning a war since WW-II, not against the poorest of poor little nations in the world, so how would they make a dent in Russia? They will just bring on a horrible war for the Europeans, who stupidly back the US in this nonsense. A nuclear war is out of the question, because everybody loses.
American leaders jump around like bloody fools every time the Palestinians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Russians make their own decision that isn´t approved by the US. Haven´t they any pride left?
Sounds like an article one might find in the Onion.
It is good. Isn't it…
Putin is holding back for the moment but it remains to be seen what he does after the 25 May election. Either he will capitulate or he will fabricate a pretext for an invasion on the basis of the election result. That's what everyone is waiting to see. Meanwhile, NATO is baiting a trap for him in the Baltic.
Is the NSA hacking this site?
Just ignore the "ignurnt' "murikan" above. He is here every day just like a pesky fly. He doesn't have a clue..
Why don't you guys use the trollecide spray? Very effective on twitter against trolls of that nature.
I do wonder if those that spew the official propaganda line have sonehow managed to convince themselves of it. A "trap" in the Baltic states? On what insane alien planet was that notion gestated?
When President Putin lets loose, the shot will be heard around the world. there isn't any possible way for the US to best RUSSIA, or CHINA, and most certainly not both. the US currently has the most poorly trained armed forces, especially ground forces in it's history. it cannot win. It's broke, country's falling into ruin, lousy aircraft like the F-22 and F-35, that according to the Rand Corporation. engage the RUSSIANS……….yeah right. Obama needs to have a couple of extra dry martinis and shut up!
Not sure why Poland is sooo worried. The issue is with Ukraine and the violent extremists who violently overthrew the prior elected govt of Ukraine. I guess the lapdog of Poland understands if he doesn’t go along with our Oligarchs, he will face the same fate as the prior elected govt of Ukraine faced via Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador Stephen Mull and their CIA front groups NED and USAID.
Yes, 130 US troops in Poland should protect Poland from an invasion by Russia…
What is wrong with Polish officials that they actually believe Russia would invade them? Don't they think that Russia has better things to do than go around the world stomping out lesser nations like the US?
How can Russia attack Poland other then through the Kalingrad enclave? WHY would Russia attack Poland? And even if they did what are 130 soldiers supposed to do? History has shown Poland to be anything but a desirable ally. This article is ridiculous.
The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Poland was never able to organize itself properly and therefor, will always get it real deep.
Mr. Kenney, what is with this baiting a trap in the Baltic stuff? Was it you tat remarked about the same thing I the other Ukraine article about a trap at Narva? I am not so sure the Baltic people are going to start hammering away at ethnic Russians anytime soon, if that is what you are thinking.