The Saturday raid in Libya, which saw US ground troops marching into the capital city of Tripoli without any permission from the Libyan government and kidnapping a Libyan citizen at gunpoint has fueled considerable controversy, and questions about whether or not it violated international law.
President Obama was presented the question today and refused to answer, taking a long pause and then insisting only that he has considerable secret evidence against the captive, Anas al-Liby.
Amnesty International and others have argued that launching military operations just to abduct suspects abroad violates international law, and was doubly concerning in that Liby’s family hasn’t been informed officially of his detention or of any charges against him, and that the only way they knew who had kidnapped him was from the news.
The evidence against Liby seems very much beside the point since the administration doesn’t appear to have even attempted to have him extradited, and officials argue that the US can legally just keep Liby detained at sea for as long as it wants, so presenting that evidence to an actual court seems low priority.
I also have secret evidence that Obama raped and murdered a young girl in 1990. But I take it you're more likely to believe him than me. Tomorrow, someone or another will claim to be privy to his secret evidence and call it 'overwhelming.' If he were mine, that would've only been worth about ten bucks.
Without Libyan government permission rises two question 1- which government 2- what permission when there is no government, and if there is, than they are hand picked by Saudis and UAE mercenaries and other form of imbeciles, they knew the date and time and escorted the special forces to the guys door.
Marionettes are very flexible,and can bow,duck,kneel or kowtow at any and every command,and their empty heads can be crammed with total BS by their handlers,the poison ivy league,Wall St.,and Zionism,that relic of ancient history,called post modernism today by its acolytes,refugees from psycho wards.
Mr President does this now mean that Foreign Countries can march troops into American Cities to Kidnap persons who they declare unilaterally as having committed a crime against that country arrest and detain them and place them on a foreign ship OFF the coast of the United States!
Because Mr President if that is the case there is a long list of Hitherto criminals residing in the US that Countries would like to have brought to Justice in their countries including countries that are supposedly allies, Just think Italy has a long list of CIA convicted criminals spies and Terrorists, because that is what their activities actually make them! Of course there are alos in some countries warrants for the arrest of former Presidents of the United States as well as Vice Presidents. Just think the Precedent is there as would the precedent of execution a La Bin Ladin!