Though President Obama is now talking up a delayed war vote, Secretary of State John Kerry seems undeterred in his quest to attack Syria, and spent another day pushing the war to everyone who would listen.
Kerry seemed to accept that the chemical weapons deal that he proposed yesterday is going to advance, but appeared unhappy about it, saying that Congress needs to move forward with the war vote and the US “won’t wait for very long” on the conflict.
Kerry also insisted that Syria’s promise to declare its stockpiles and sign the Chemical Weapons Convention didn’t go nearly far enough, and warned that without a war Syria would become like Afghanistan.
He argued that the US strikes were vital and that the US needed to increase aid to the rebels, declaring that if Assad wins Syria could give rise to terrorist groups “worse” than al-Qaeda.
When Laudanum and Absinthe Cousins marry, the resulting "get" is Uncle Kerry.
Kerry appeared desperate today in his push for war in Syria. He got into a near shouting match with a Republican from Florida and had several testy exchanges with other reps. Almost like a spoiled child who can't get his way. And his arguments are so convoluted and pointless now that the Russians have defused the situation. Not since Donald Rumsfeld has their been such a psycho pressing the case for war.
Give it up silver spoon boy. Americans do not want war and do not want to see people killed for your vanity.
Kerry is despicable, and beyond any rational reproach. He lies, and seals those lies with more lies. America can only redeem itself by casting out those who seek to harm, and undermine the American people. Kerry, McCain, Graham, and all the Zionist warmongers need to be deported to Israel, and never be allowed back in the US.
Kerry & McCain are still killing their own people… …if we were their people.