Are the Obama Administration’s recent reports of considering a full withdrawal from Afghanistan real or just diplomatic ploys? Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta seems to be assuming the later.
“In Chicago we said that we’re committing to an enduring presence,” Panetta said, adding that he believes President Obama fully intends to follow through on that by keeping troops in Afghanistan long past the end of 2014.
Panetta is referring to the May summit in Chicago, which ended with an official declaration that NATO believes it has a “crucial role” to play militarily in Afghanistan beyond 2014, but that it would be “different” than the current one.
Though officially the war is supposed to “end” at the end of 2014, President Obama has already signed a pact with the Karzai government to keep US troops in Afghanistan through at least 2024.
Panetta is not going to let go of Afghanistan's resources, resources that he believes should belong to the U.S. The only way the U.S. will leave is when it is forced to leave, and that will happen, since no American who stays there will ever be safe, drones or no drones. That is the reality, even if he doesn't want to face it.
We have to stay until you agree to let us stay.
I'm not 'enduring' his presence at all. Get the f–k out, Leon.
The word 'enduring' makes it sound so selfless, as if Jesus Christ Himself were doing it 'for the good of the planet'. But I think this is more 'salesmanship' than self-sacrifice.
Enduring, like Germany, Japan, Korea and elsewhere? Definition: Forever.
Well, why not. He will never have to face a life of a retiree whose income has been devastated by the zero inteest rate — the rate so critical to our "ENDURING" world globe trekking that handsomely rewards the connected, and pushes into poverty millions.
Other then that, we are globetrekking for no known reason whatsoever.
panvendetta – sore loser