Speaking one day after Israeli troops killed at least 20 civilian protesters in cross border attacks, White House spokesman Jay Carney praised Israel for its “restraint” and said that the Netanyahu government had every right to kill those people “to prevent unauthorized crossing at its borders.”
The protesters were commemorating the “Nakba” or “catastrophe,” which refers to the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homes at the founding of the Israeli state. The commemoration is explicitly banned within Israel since 2009.
Late Sunday night Israeli media reports emerged showing that the Foreign Ministry had dispatched an official memorandum on the killings, which ordered Israeli diplomats to blame Syria for all the deaths, including apparently the 10 people killed inside Lebanon by Israeli troops.
That message appears to have reached the White House as well, as Carney was quick to blame the Assad government for “inciting” the protests, and said that “such behavior is unacceptable.” Though Syria has nominal control over their side of the border, in the face of massive nationwide protests it is unclear how able the Assad regime would even theoretically be in drumming up rallies among the nation’s Palestinian refugees.
What a crock of &#!%. How in the name of reason can it be legal to kill people ACROSS THE BORDER who are not actually attempting to enter illegally? Oh, I forgot – WE entered a sovereign nation a couple of weeks ago to summarily execute a bad guy, so borders mean nothing anymore. I guess this is just another episode of Israel's hit (no pun intended) reality show, "How far can we push the pre-emptive war / anticipatory defense malarkey".
"White House spokesman Jay Carney praised Israel for its “restraint” and said that the Netanyahu government had every right to kill those people “to prevent unauthorized crossing at its borders.” It is well known that Israel is violating international law because they have expanded their borders past what the 1967 international law recognizes. IF NOBODY IS GOING TO STEP UP, BE A MAN, AND REMIND THEM OF THIS FACT, THEN WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE ANY LAWS?
Amazing. First I see no reason for the White house to comment on the matter Second i see no reason fro the white house to comment on the matter. As we spend billions and billions on peace in the middle ease we are forced to listen to people who should just keep quiet. This is just about criminal in nature to comment on this matter. Next I suspect the white house to comment on the rape of the maid.
Ok, israel was right to kill 20 people because they had a right to protect their borders, but israel does not have any borders. As of this date israel has no declared borders.
Conversely, since most of the west bank in inside palestinian borders do the palestinians have the same right to protect its borders?
There just saying what their AIPAC masters tell them to say. BTW, I watched CNN coverage of this. I never saw such biased journalism in my life.
White House defends Israeli butchery. Wow and go figure. Okay and all together now- "craven and servile…"
Do Israel have legal borders ……. can white house show a map where is israeli borders … since foundation of israel …. israel expanded ,,, expanded .. swallowing more and more lands etc … israel it self pronounced that goland hrights is syrian occupied territories .. so no one crossed legal israeli borders —- interesting to look united nations map to see where israel borders according to resolution 181 at 1947 (resolution foundation so called state of israel)
So now will the feds begin mowing down 'illegal' Mexicans and Canadians on our northern and southern borders?
"inciting" the protests is unacceptable behavior but killing the protesters is a show of "restraint". Wow.
Israel the US and others go around acting like they are right when nothing could be further from the truth.They are in Lybia to stop the killing of civilians illegally but it's ok for Israel to do worse with nothing but support for there illegal killings.Talk about baised they only care about oil money and killing anyone that don't do what they are told.And you wonder why Iran and others want nukes it's the only deterant to protect your sovernty.The free countrys well the countrys that give there people a faulse sence of freedom are the main reasons for deaths from war to starvation and thats 2 off the top of my head.Destroying the world are kids have to live in with there illegal use of depleted uranium and death that the end will result in world war 3.Thanks GOOD GUYS.
And with this, I am officially embarrassed by my own government. Again.
I'm way past being embarrassed by the government, even past being disgusted, now it's just pure hatred.
"White House praises Isreal for restraint"
Americans are the Worlds greatest hypocrites.
They talk about Human Rights but all their actions are so based in SELF INTEREST that they do not see the forest for the trees.
Disgust is all one can feel for these spineless traitors to everything that was once noble and just in the NEW WORLD.
I suggest you amend your thoughts and verbiage to "American Government". Don't include me (and the considerable numbers of people like me) in your disgust.
The Obama toadies are in full swing. True to form, they'll cover up all and any of Israel's war crimes. Boycott!!!
The entire US and EU governments are slave to PNAC.., in reality there is no government governing the US and EU social political or economical matters.., it is this organization that dose that. Barak Obama is just another figurehead bound by his obligation to PNAC to follow Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Paul Wolfowitz ideology and PNAC path in Zionism.., therefore they all need to obey whatever comes out of this “non profit” think-tank.., these governments even use PNAC as their consulting firms to be advised what to say or what to do…, that is because there is no such intelligent – brains in democratic party or for that matter in republican party to have an idea for peace and prosperity in middle east or elsewhere. Close the democratic party.., there is no democracy coming out of this falsified party.
This is incredible impossible what obama and his bufoons are articulating.This is murder did not america murder Osama Bin Laden what wretched creatures america/israel are.This has to end it cannot go on.
Antiwar.com readers should support this
They will be picketting AIPAC and the slave US politicians next week. I hope Antiwar.com
and the alternative media can cover it.
Why this isn't headline news at Antiwar.com is exactly what ails this site. Lots of chatter, no actions that matter.
Way off topic but hear are some movies that people should watch and decide whats true and whats not most are true.Loose.Change,Loose Change 2nd Edition,Body Of War,Capitalism-A.Love.Story,Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,The Corperation Filmmakers,Invisable.Empire.A.New.World.Order.Defined.2010,National Geographic.Inside.The.Iraq.War,The Prophecy Club-Exposing the Illuminati from within,TerrorStorm-Alex Jones-final edition,The.End.Of.America.2008,A Trance Formation-Cathy O'Brien-1 of 4,The War On Democracy A Film By Jhon Pilger,Bush Family Fortunes-The Best Democracy Money Can Buy,Ch4Dispatches.2011.The./Battle.For.Hati,Control Room(2004) Perils of War reporting,AlJazeera.vsFOX,Censorship,bias,Final Warning History of the NWO,Iraq.for.sale.The.War.Profiteers.2006,Missing Links,PNAC.9/11.Alol.Roads.lead.to.Israel,Jhon Pilger investigates the media's role in war He traces the history 'embedded' and independent reporting from the carnage of WW1 to the current wars in Afganistan and Iraq,The.Devil.Came.On.Horseback.Please watch.
and what about the hoards of Jewish settlers who are encroaching upon Palestianien lands? Don't the Palestianians have the right to defend their own boarders?
You are being very diplomatic; the settlers are doing much more than "encroaching".
They were entering territory that was THEIRS and from which they were driven away by armed thugs
(Haganah, Stern Gang and other terrorist gangs) between 1947 and 1949. Paelstinans have a RIGHT to return peacefully or otherwise !
I thought Carney had a brain in his head. If killing 20 persons for protesting at your border is restraint, what in heavens name must Israel do to rile the righteous in Washington? Both the USA and Israel have taught the world that there is no value in a human life, something that goes against the teachings of Judism and Christianity. The end of both empires in in site.
If Cast Lead or the 2006 invasion of Lebanon didn't rile Washington, nothing will.
I wonder what implications this has for the Mexican border. It is OK to shoot people inside another country as they get near to your border? Sounds a little bit wrong to me. Where those people shelling Israel?
The rioters were Palestinians refugees,they need the incitement of others in the Nakba day?Nakba is catastrophe in Arabic and this is the"Israel's independence day.Independence from ?from the natives
This killing was in Syrian land, that is, inside the Syrian side of the UN cease fire zone. The Israelis shot people while standing INSIDE SYRIA in the Golan Heights which Israel intends to keep.
These Palestinians entered their own land that was stolen from them and from which they were expelled by armed terrorist thugs driven away some sixty years ago.. Count Bernadotte the Swedish diplomat and UN mediator (who had saved some 30,000 Jews from Nazi deathcamps during WW2) was killed in September 1948 by these Zionist terrorists just before his assassination described the Zionists as (quote): "terrorist groups…in territory controled by the provisional (!) government of Israel (and that) had operated in Palestine during the mandate, and were responsible for the many hideous crimes committed in name of political objectives…(they) constitute a critical challenge from an unbridled bank of Jewish terrorists to the very effort of the United Nations to achieve, by means of mediations, a peaceful adjustment of the dispute in Palestine."
Terrorists gangs were The Haganah, Stern and Irgun Gangs as well as splinter groups, that were later amalgamated into the IDF (Israel Defence Force). They have always remained terrorists througout the years.
O = W if you are voting for either party, you have lost your mind.
Jay Carney praised Israel for its “restraint”'
Hello Jim. I do not know what planet you grew up on but shooting woman and children with live ammunition is not showing "restraint" it is called murder. Maybe you misspoke and you intended to say it took "restraint" compared to what Israel could and usually does when they have old woman and children. Jim I hope you enjoy your trip to Israel and the month vacation with all the benefits our tax dollars can provide via AIPAC. YOu are the typical individual who AIPAC lovs. Have you ever heard that a cop has no right to shot you unless his life is at risk. The IDF has the same rule of law but it is Israel who respects no laws.
Imagine the uproar if USA troops killed a bunch of Mexicans protesting at the border. I guess what's good fot the goose is not good for the gander.
And yet we allow thousands to cross the US border everyday!
If killing 20 is "righteous", how many do they have to kill before it is not so?
Carney's face shriveled after he said that it now matches his balls
USA support of the zionist entity makes me ashamed to be an USA citizen.