The protests across the tiny island nation of Bahrain continue to grow on Monday but face the prospect of a particularly brutal crackdown amid news that over 1,000 mostly Saudi Arabian troops have been dispatched across the bridge to help the regime end the protests.
Bahrain’s protest movement is largely a function of its majority Shi’ites complaining about discrimination by the Sunni royal family. The opposition condemned the invasion as an “undeclared war” and vowed to resist the occupation.
The Bahrain government has yet to confirm the invasion, but Saudi state media has and insists that the force is part of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The United Arab Emirates Foreign Ministry also confirmed that their forces were playing something of a role. The other member nations, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar, have yet to comment.
The Bahrain protests have mostly been peaceful, though the regime has cracked down on them violently on a few occasions over the course of the past several weeks. A group of pro-regime MPs (which are all that is left, as every single opposition MP resigned weeks ago) is calling on the king to declare martial law to crush the dissent.
The move comes just days after Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Bahrain, ostensibly to preach reform as a solution instead of violent crackdowns (which have failed miserably across the region). Either Gates’ message was not what they said it was, or he was unsuccessful in his delivery. The Obama Administration has since expressed ambivalence about the move, however, saying they don’t consider it technically an “invasion.”
They should have taken out the bridge when they had the chance.
It will be VERY interesting as to what the great spin doctors of democracy – Obama, Clinton, Gates and Co will do now.
Will they side with the people seeking a life free of oppression OR with the Tyrants they have supported till now???
My bet is that they will side with the Oppressors of the people.
They'll stand mute until/if the shit hits the fan, then, they'll make a bleak statement "condemning" the violence and "upholding" the people's rights to freedom and blah blah blah just like they've done in Egypt and Libya while with the other hand, they provide the money and weapons to the regime to continue massacring their own people.
1- When it comes to Middle East and North African countries and countries in South America and beyond everyone in what is industrialised countries are guilty of atrocity toward its own and other nations, from Vietnam war to South America where Hennery Kissinger was involved .., to Balkan war where Madeline Albright, Richard Holbrook and Bill Clinton.., to Iraq where Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearl and others.., in Africa from Congo to South Africa where white supremacy from Holland, English, US and even Sweden been involved.
2- Generally and in terms of politics, democracy is belongs to western civilization for people in said countries to learn from or to be used and abused by such democracy ; therefore, democracy never been an issue to be considered for any other countries then west., what has been the issue is the industry and its productions needing what has been a cheap labor and commodity that’s been produced by “other” countries marked as “3rd world“, oil, gas, rubber, gold, diamonds, and everything else that west would have use for.
American supplied and trained Saudi mercenaries invade Bahrain.
3- Now people in Middle East and North African countries as well as what is by west been called and marked as “3rd world” have reached the point demanding the same democracy as west has been enjoying for over 100 years.., this is not about any democracy or a puppet regime as Hamid Karzi in Afghanistan or Iraqi government or what is called the Islamic regimes in Iran.., but rather a demand in being freed from these regimes, a freedom that would bring jobs and prosperity to their families, a freedom that would guarantee their future, a freedom where they don’t have to live the rules of mercenaries occupying their land, a freedom where they have to say when its needs to be said, a freedom where they demand their social needs to be considered as peoples demands and not a foreign companies or a military regimes stationed at their door monitoring there freedom.
The West has enjoyed no democracy only the illusion of it while the corporations raped, pillaged and corroded the entire world
4- US is as guilty as Europe is, so is China as it is them whom helps the emperor wars in Middle East by providing the financial support for US. Israel been guilty from day one with its Zionism idea saying that worlds is belongs to them therefore they have and are influencing US for using its “mighty army“, Israel always been a apparatus used by US and EU to confront Arab nations when they were and are demanding for their freedom, here the nations have lost many life yet the atrocity by the west has been ignored by what is called western democracy. The last such conduct was made by US and EU in Iraq and its continued in Afghanistan.., and before that in Balkans by Bill Clinton whom day and night was talking about democracy fooling its own people by rhetoric. So what is left for, or let say what is left of the west democracy.., in reality nothing, the western democracy as capitalism is bankrupt, yet for democracy to help itself it still can help democracy in middle east and north Africa to flourish and help democracy to grow.., that’s what the west civilization can do.
5- Last thoughts, Japan have almost lost its industrials power., for now.., due to earthquake followed by tsunami,, this catastrophe is the work of nature in rage and it cannot be predicted nor stopped, democracy in the other hand is a man made and is in the nature of mankind to create such or better ideas for mankind to live, at the same time is also a fact that mankind can destroy yet to rebuild; therefore, is a decision needs to be taken now by democrats and democracy to help democracy to grow or be crushed by peoples voice, here you cannot kill them all where the voice of people might be heard, if is in Egypt Tunisia, Algeria, Iran, Bahrain or Saudi Arabia because you need them all.., although to Zionism and some others that would be the ideal in destroying what mankind have achieved thus far. Just wonder what would happen if such earthquake would hit USA and what would then politicians think to do, would they rebuild the union or just for those whom they know.
The anti-democratic Washington cabal will support the oppressors. Just like when they supported the overthrow of democracy in Algeria, and the overthrow of democracy by the shah in Iran. Any popular movement that is anti-Israeli, they oppose. Any dictatorship that makes nice with Israel in return for American taxpayers' money, they support.
I think its happen after US official visit Bahrain.
Gates’ message was not what they said it was. Obama probably gave the green light to Saudi, UAE and Kuwait to crush people in Bahrain. They may later on do the same with Oman. Well, a very bad move…There are similarity between the Bahraini Royal Families use of Saudi/UAE troops against their own people to Gaddafi's use of mercenaries. This act of desperation is a very risky move, if Saudi/UAE soldiers are provoked into shooting on opposition demonstrators, this will take on a whole new dimension….and the last word is that it seems Obama is worst than George Bush, giving the green light to Saudi/UAE to crush and kill people…Well if it true (which I believe is true) very surprising.
The Saudis invasion was made after Gates visit to Bahrain three days ago.., which indicating that Saudis got their support needed to invade the country. Having said that, Saudis are afraid of a democratic Bahrain it well influence not only the religious aspect of Saudi Arabia being sunny, but its brutal social politics toward its own people, although it was Saudi nationals behind the 9/11 attack on WTC but US – Bush and company chose to invade Iraq. The irony here is that US has given the green light to those whom they are dealing with in terms of economy.., Saudi Kingdom Family have tremendous amount placed in US banks, is the largest producer of oil used by USA and is the biggest buyer of US war machinery in the world. This act is also a show of termination that Saudis Kingdom family is determent to stay in Bahrain and confront the Iranian regime and the Shia Muslims in Bahrain if necessary.
Don't forget that Hillary The Mouth Clinton was there last week too. It's obvious they don't trust those pesky memos any more since they now know that they can be hacked and leaked so they're doing all the wheeling dealing in person now.
If the Saudi's can invade to support the Sunni minority then can Iran invade in support the Shi' ite majority?
What a good question.
I do hope Iran invades to stop the brutality of Baihran regime and killing of innocent civilians by the Saudi's and American mercenaries.
We will then hear cries of outrage by the US about Iran being a rogue nation that must be punished for daring to intervene to save innocent unarmed civilian lives.
It is a pity most Americans are ignorant of their own Constitution
Iran is not happy about it. They've made that very clear already. Y'all understand that Israel and the US are 100% behind all this. The bastards have actually found a way to capitalize from it all. Again!
I'm sure everything wil be fine when a few wayward Saudi bombs or artillery shells or tank rounds happen to land on US military facilities and kill our personnel posted there. Somehow, though, I have a feeling they will be attributed to the protesters, since they are so well armed and equipped.
Sending the troops to Bahrain is part of the agreement among GCC countries. It is neither invasion nor occupation to the State of Bahrain. It is helping Bahrain to control the situation and starting dialogue which was announced one month ago by the crown prince. The Iranian supported clans are making it uneasy the the Bahrainis, both Sunnis and arab shiates. These clans i.e. criminals controlled the Salmaniah Medical Center and used the Doctors and support staff as human shields. I wish that the people who speak without knowledge of the situation come and see by themselves what is happenning. I agree that the people want reforms but not reforms lead by the Iranian supported shiates like the so called Iat allah Muderisee who claims that we want government following the Iayat allah Khameni. I believe it is not in the best interest of the Bahrainis all.
Control what situation? Unarmed, peaceful protesters demanding freedom have to be "controlled" by two armies? What else are you selling today Dr. Saud? Some snake oil perhaps? Or a little bridge in Brooklyn?
Can we see your Dr. credentials.., then we can discuss whatever it is that you’re selling…
Well, now we know what Madam Shillary Clinton was doing in the Middle East last week. Besides kissing Israel's ass that is.
US and EU militarism regime protecting Saudi Arabia as the been protecting Israel for to long: To democrats: look democracy is bankrupt as capitalism has.., you don’t have any other choice but either strangle people to accept your change in a dictatorial militarism regime both at home and overseas or accept the peoples voice for change and help them to accomplish long over due democracy where ever you hear their voice. To People all over the world: all these wars are not the peoples wars, these wars, occupation and atrocities’ committed by mercenaries are created by few and for the few, these wars are emperors wars, these wars are for China, Islam, Christianity, US and EUs governments interests.., people don’t benefit from it.., it is the militarism complex, Goldman Sachs bankers and oil companies that benefit from. All of you from US to EU and from Africa to Croatia have the right to demand your freedom and stop these inhumane wars.
To you democrats: look democracy is bankrupt as capitalism has.., you don’t have any other choice but strangle people to accept your change in a dictatorial militarism regime both at home and overseas or to accept the peoples voice for change and help them to accomplish long over due democracy where ever you hear their voice. To People all over the world, all these wars are not your wars, these war created by few and is for the few, these wars are emperors wars, these wars are China, Islam, US and EUs wars. All of you from US to EU and from Africa to Croatia have the right to demand your freedom and stop these inhumane wars.