The Israeli government has rejected a UN Security Council resolution calling for an international investigation of their attack on a civilian aid ship earlier this week, saying that they would conduct their own internal probe and that this was good enough.
Israeli commandos boarded the ship late Sunday night, opening fire and killing as many as 19 aid workers, including a US citizen of Turkish origin. Israel has released only a heavily edited video of the attack, including footage of a broken slingshot they claimed to have been defending themselves from.
Since the initial claim of self-defense Israel has gone even farther, claiming the ship was secretly in league with al-Qaeda. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also called it a “hate boat” in comments yesterday.
Though the Obama Administration is said to have blocked any specific criticism by the UN Security Council of the massacre, international outcry was such that they allowed the call for the international probe. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said it was possible that international observers might be allowed to watch the Israeli probe, but for now it seems that, as with so many other incidents, Israel will be openly blocking any independent probes.
Israel is above international law and the USA will alloow it to be. So what's new?
No international probe, and that is for Israel to decide so in issues of international law? Just like the US it seems!
Well, a kind of a success story with that off-spring! Like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan has been finely molded by the golden touch of “The Quiet American”.
Gaza is another example of America's "midas" touch in the world.
Oh, we weren't the carpenters. But the US approved all the plans and paid for the work that made Gaza the world's resort spot that it is today. Somewhere on the construction site, there's a sign proudly proclaiming America's role as architect and developer of that fine project.
Blockading an international probe too you say?
America has a standard blockade against the following items, anywhere they might be found.
Not just America , NATO , UN , The EU and over half of the Islamic countries . They are all playing political games with devious plans . they are keeping their plans top secret untill they best think they can be established .
I just got my anti-Israel comment erased on a NY Times op ed site. It lasted about 15 minutes there.
I raised the issue that Israel has committed war crimes worthy of US war declaration v Israel. Apparently the Times Israel censors preclude this debate, despite perfectly good legal and moral foundation for it.
The Turks reported today that an American of Turkish descent is among the flotilla dead. Only force, preferably American military force, will end this blockade. Jefferson, Eisenhower and Kennedy would have seen to it on the facts. A war against Israeli oppression is long overdue, as is a revolutution versus an American government complicit in all manner of war crimes around the world. The US post Vietnam generation has a duty to the young to make this happen before history rightly judges us as total failures as citizens and patriots.
Twice in American history, the USA has gone to war over the question of illegal blockades.
The War of 1812 and World War I are the answers to that trivia question by the way.
America used to uphold the notion of free people being able to travel the high seas without fear of attack. The Marine Corps hymm includes the line about the "Shores of Tripoli", which refers to what we used to do to Mediterraen pirates who attack ships and murder people.
But, that was back when America believed in freedom.
If Congress would quit sending them money Israel would collapse in a few years. Just cut off the "aid", no more war please!
There is no other language then a total boycott of Israeli goods, political and social economic that would make Israel to understand that is a law and they need to obey by it. Turkey.., Egypt needs to stop all their relation with Israel so as .., Jordanian..,Russia and China to start the boycott. in the name of humanity the American and European people needs to do the same.
When's the next boat to Gaza? We need to be on it.
It is very strange that the Americans know that their government is protecting Israel's interest more than their own. It is difficult to understand how can the Americans tolerate that they pay tax for the betterment of another country while they sufferes in their own country. Sometimes, I feel as if Hilary working for Isreal. America claims to be the strongest country in the world but when it comes to Israel they act as if a pet dog.
It is really very difficult to understand why America such shamelessly supports Isreal. It is apperaring that due to America and Israel there is no peace in the world. So, lets speak out lound and clear Fuck America and Fuck Isreal.
A clear thinking person would call such a politician a traitor.
I agree fuck Isreal and the lacky american dog
I just went to breakfast with a bunch of other old timers. It is sad how ill informed they are. The American media surpress so much about what is really going on in the Middle East. They actually believe that Israel was in the right here. They can get away with anything. They have we, that know what's going on, are exasperated with anger and disgust.
I hope they are better informed after your breakfast.
We can't just sit back and wait for the corporate tv set to tell everyone the truth. We have to speak the truth ourselves.
I've wondered why its taken so long to get the list of those killed. Remember when that wheel-chair bound old man, an American-Jew, was killed at sea on the Achille Lauro? When Abbas was captured in Baghdad, even though the statute of limitations had expired, they immediately sought to revive the charges of piracy, hostage-taking and conspiracy. His killing was clearly murder and is not the killing of 19 likewise? Or is it, when carried out by the Israeli ubermensch, and covered by the American fig leaf, just fine and dandy? America fought the Barbary pirates for what they were doing. What about the Israeli pirates?
I'm certain that we will no longer hear the Israeli hypocrites or their treasonous apologists here in the states calling for any more UN resolutions regarding Iran, right? LOL
I'm guessing that there's a congressional resolution in the works applauding the Israelis for their heroic acts in fighting this fierce battle with unarmed people. A companion bill will probably double the tax dollars we send to Israel. Lieberman will probably try to attach an amendment that says that anyone who voices any opposition to this policy loses their American citizenship and is instantly deported.
We really need a whole new Congress. Throw all da bums out.
I did not expect more than this from Israel authority.
Nothing more from Obama or America.
People forget the history of nature.
There was Mighty Roman Emperor, Sun never sets in British Emperor ( Just few years back) , we could quote a lot from history.
Every thing has a rebounding point.
Remember please , Osma bean Laden was American creation, who knows when this terrorist country will bite Americans?
I think the Liberty was attacked in 1967.
Some people feel that Israel was involved in 9-11.
Its not a question of when will they first bite America … its a question of when they will bite again.
If you had a nasty dog in your neighborhood that made you think it was only a question as to who and when it will bite again … what would you do about it?
That's easy. Point him in your general direction!
Shoot it.
The U.S. government is complicit in this high seas crime. Again more crimes against humanity perpetrated by a proud people who should know better . Until we get rid of the apologist and duel citizen traitors in our government NOTHING will change.
At least we won't be lacking any evidence for the war crimes tribunals that will someday come. So nice of all of these politicians to stand up and declare their support for war crimes. The good news is that we don't have any trouble spotting them.
And there are war crimes trials coming. This will not last. No matter what the liars say, billions of people around the world know the truth. This will not last. In the long run, the people of this world will not tolerate this.
Of course, the stench of such evil is such that we could smell them 10 miles away, so I guess they feel it doesn't matter.
We need a whole new Congress.
And its not a matter of replacing Democrats with Republicans or Republicans with Democrats. They are all the same. They just run a con that pretends they are different so that when people demand change, they don't get it. Replacing one with the other does no good. Sarah Palin or John McCain would be no different from Obama right now. And of course, there was no difference in choice between Obama and Hillary either.
Don't vote for either party. There are usually Independents, Libertarians, or Greens on the ballot. And if not, put one there. And if not, run a write-in campaign.
But, we need to send a new Congress to DC in 2010 composed of those Independents and Libertarians and Greens and any other honest people who will look after the interests of the American people.
At some point, it becomes a very basic question. Will the decent people of the world tolerate armed men shooting with machine guns into a crowd and killing 20 and wounding 60? And all reports say they were aiming at heads intending to kill. The young American who died was shot four times in the head.
Is this acceptable to you?
Will you elect people to represent you who think this is acceptable and even applaud it?
Will you act where you can to stop it? Or do you just sit back and say that you can do nothing?
These are basic questions that all of us need to look into our own souls and ask. Because we are at a point where supporting the usual politicians who support this policy makes us accessories to murder.
I don't often quote Dubya, but in the case of such an ourtrage, you are either for it or against it. Which side are you on? Do you stand with the people firing machine guns into a crowd aiming for head shots? Or do you oppose them? Actions like this leave no middle ground, because silence and inaction is the equivalent of supporting these murders.
There's something slightly over the top about this phrasing–is it the Kierkegaardian "either/or", the positing of a "need" for "reflexivity", or the quotation of the younger Bush's "for or against"?
Also the prescription of the supposed solution– "voting for people to represent".
Having the murderers conduct the investigation is obviously ridiculous. Its worth a laugh, but no serious attention.
Its convenient if world bodies like the UN conduct the investigation. But, if the UN does not do that, that does not end the need for an honest investigation. Its just up to the people of the world to conduct the investigation themselves.
This has actually been going on for awhile, with tribunals for instance looking into US crimes in Iraq. They of course don't get covered by CNN. Which only means that its up to us to search out these investigations, to support them, to watch them, and then to pay attention to the results. It won't be on your TV set. But it will be there.
Dude named truth, what about 911..?? "This has actually been going on for awhile, with tribunals for instance looking into US crimes in Iraq. They of course don't get covered by CNN. Which only means that its up to us to search out these investigations, to support them, to watch them, and then to pay attention to the results. It won't be on your TV set. But it will be there."
Hmmm, apparently you aren't an Alex Jones fan…and…or..well an observer of ahhhh what really happenanomalies.. on that day… You have good intentions, but NOT a suspicious mind.. You are putty in the hands of the image-makers and the manipulators. You may have waken up, but you are a little late… The robbers have stolen our money, gotten away… invested their loot in OUR politicians and …. been re-appointed to positions of power… You are well intended but realize that the gov lies
Obama and his administration are big on self-policing given their track record so why not let the Israeli's handle this one too? Maybe while he's at it he could appoint an Israeli to a high level position in the white house! Oh wait…
Unless it is the "enemy" of a two minute hate like Iran then even if they are certified to be in compliance with the law by an outside party they are still demonized. The level of hypocrisy is literally starting to reach actual Nazi levels and no it's not a Godwin if the perp is actually behaving like a Nazi. 🙁
No surprise
Have you noticed the Pope has said nothing. For that matter no "Christian" organization has said a word. A convoy of aid and hope for 1.5 million people kept in an open prison and not a word from any "Christian" organization. I could only stomach 5 mins of Hannity on the radio(no other talk radio comes in) and its all the people on the "TERROR ships fault. The IDF had paintball guns??? LOL and the callers were just as bad. To the people of the world we are occupied as well and the 1% of Gods chosen people rule are country. The race for Congress in my district has each congress hopeful seeing who can grovel the most for Israel.
Thanks for the honest reports.. You are awake, therefor dangerous… Watch out for FEMA questioneers…
At the end of general audience on June 2, Pope Benedict XVI noted that he has been following "with great trepidation, the tragic events that have taken place near the Gaza Strip. I feel the need to express my deepest condolences to the victims of these sorrowful events that are troubling all those who are concerned with peace in the area.”
He added, “I again repeat, with heavy heart, that violence does not resolve conflict but only increases its tragic consequences and generates more violence. I appeal to all political leaders at the local and international levels to constantly seek just solutions through dialogue in a way that guarantees the best condition of life, harmony, and serenity to the peoples of the area. I invite you all to join in prayer for the victims, their families, and for all those who are suffering. The Lord sustains the efforts of those who never tire of working for reconciliation and peace."
This followed remarks released in a written form by papal spokesman, Fr. Federico Lombardi, on June 1 in reference to a May 31 raid by Israeli marines on a flotilla of six ships organized by sympathizers of the Palestinian cause who were bringing supplies to the Gaza Strip, currently embargoed by Israel and Egypt. Fr. Lombardi wrote, that the incident involved an “unnecessary loss of human life,” while he reiterated the Vatican's concern over the situation. After the violent clash, on one of the six ships, at least nine activists were killed, while Israeli commandos were also shot and injured…
[Spero News June2, 2010]
Ex-Hitlerjugend with infallibility are not one's cup of tea, but accuracy is accuracy.
Will this probe be as "transparent"and impartial as the probe into the MURDER of the young American wowan – Rachel Corrie – in Gaza which accepted that the Isrealis DID NOT SEE the young woman although she was hit , then picked up and buried by the soldier who claimed NOT TO HAVE SEEN HER!
The fact that Israel refuses to hold an enquiry speaks volumes about Israel. It should never have been countenanced , in the first instance that Israel shoulld have been a participant into its own recriminations.
It behooves the UN to do so. But with a weak USA president beset with bad luck and preoccupied with the greatest disaster the capatilist world has inflicted on the uSA – the Oil rig leak., the process is doomed before it begins. We may dislike US supremacy . In most things the USA are fair and the free world owe their freedom to her- even at the cost of her dropping the first atom bomb.
But the nature of the relationship between USA and Isreal must be examined through the prish of lobbyists , money , Hollywood . law firms – Just Money !
why does the USA keep giving Israel a paycheck ?
This act of murder on the high seas was unlike the attack on the US ship Cole – that , henious as it was , was deemed to be a military target.
This was a triumpherate act of piracy , murder , kidnapping .
And Israel could have no logical position in assessing it in any court of investigation. Would it be acceptable for AHmenajedad to make a valid report of Iran's nuclear capability- No.
was it acceptable for Saddam to make a valid assessment of his – No The Un sent in their team.
(But they found nothing – and war followed because Bush wanted a war to avenge some country for 9/11
This is we believe , a more sober minded president . Were it not for his misfortunate domestic inheritance , would he be more clear minded with regard to this outrage at the hands of Israel. His Cairo speech was one of his most eloquent and captivated the imagination of the Arab worlld.. but it was so soon, so sadly to turn to desert dust.
George said: In most things the USA are fair and the free world owe their freedom to her- even at the cost of her dropping the first atom bomb.
Sorry George, thanks to the war on drugs and now the war on terror the US has become a police state.
George said: But with a weak USA president beset with bad luck and preoccupied with the greatest disaster the capatilist world has inflicted on the uSA – the Oil rig leak., the process is doomed before it begins.
Do you really think that, say, if GWB was still president he would insist on an independent UN investigation?
George said: This is we believe , a more sober minded president . Were it not for his misfortunate domestic inheritance , would he be more clear minded with regard to this outrage at the hands of Israel.
Ditto above. Obama is a shameful disgrace, but both Democrats AND Republicans are in Israels's pocket.
Otherwise your post makes some good points.
Off cours Israel would reject the idea…, they have rejected everything els which has anything to do with humanity and humans integrity…, they have done it for last almost 600 UN condemnations and US is backing them all the long…, so as EU governments Russian.., India and China as well. People of this earth are not facing only one emperor (USA) but three and one (India) is about to join the list. All that wars and suffering of the people in Middle East is because these powers want to share the wealth of the people among themselves . Iraq war, Balkan war and wars that are happening in Africa is about that and Israel wants to have its share.. Israel is the only friend that US or EU will ever have in Middle East.
Anyone seen footage of all those "horrific" injuries sustained by the "brave Israeli commando,s"?
I have only seen one interview with one soldier with his back to the camera saying that he was beaten and stabbed in the stomach! I suspect he was niether beaten or stabbed.
Slings are the latest in "terrorism" technology or is this just a deliberate "insult" against the Jews, considering David had one against Goliath? Somehow I believe Goliath lost again, but not to David.
Whatta surprise, Gee I'd thought they'd welcome an independent investigation… WTF !!!
Actually the theft, spying and murder regime hates any investigation but theirs… I am gettin way too cynical and facetious, sorry but it's difficult to remain serious in the face of such propaganda…!!!
This is a slap on the face of UN and America. If it had been an Islamic country then sanctions would be imposed but for Israel to reject is normal whicjh tells how the Israelis treat even Americans
breaking news … Rachel corrie ship heads to Gaza ..and will not stop in any port on the way…… on the board 1200 ton medical aid ….. Irish Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead McGuire and the former head of the U.N. Oil-for-Food program in Iraq, Denis Halliday, were among the 11 passengers on board…….. Israel vows to stop it
…. do Israel will kill these highly respective international personalities on the board ….. Israel can do it Israel evil country
I dare and double dare Israel to touch any Irish national,
It will most definitely like signing there own death warrant.
Let's sanction Israel–stop sending the billions of dollars they use to finance their war machine. We could use that money here!
They also use those billions to line the pockets of US politicians. It's a great deal for our elites to vote billions in aid knowing a portion of it will end up in their bank accounts and campaign coffers.