As the fighting in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province continues to pick up, US forces have killed 16 people described as “suspected militants” in a pair of drone strikes on opposite sides of the province.
The larger of the attacks came in the town of Now Zad, once described as a “ghost town” by NATO and declared “liberated” in a December invasion. The US Predator Drone fired a Hellfire missile into what officials are describing as a “crowd of suspects” killing 13 and wounding three.
Exactly what made the reportedly unarmed crowd a “crowd of suspects” is unclear, but Marines that attacked the town at roughly the same time claim to have found ammunition and a “Taliban torture cell.” US forces seemed quite pleased with the attack on the crowd, declaring “we caught them with their pants down.”
A smaller attack claimed three others, whom officials described as “armed fighters.” A separate incident in Helmand Province yesterday also claimed 13 civilians, when NATO and Afghan forces opened fire on protesters in Garmsir village.
And there are those in the UN who even claim that Civilian deaths caused by American/NATO Military Forces in Afghanistan are down!
This attack proves that BS to be as wrong as other "independent" assessments.
for American dolts, High tech bombings,just peachie A.O.K but a guy fed up with american killings straps a bomb vest–he is classified as a Terrorist bomber.
Where is the good folks in america these days? we can't blame the media anymore {:^/
The Zionist get the licence to kil from UN.
As the slaughter of Afghans accelerates, so will the bad will which we will reap ……. As the video game
boyz apply their skill to off the "jahadi", the rules will give way to testosterone urges…. Where is general Petraeus, and his "protection of the people" COIN stratagem. The blind ambition of empire and her generals brings ruin to their people….
why is the article written in a way that suggests that the "civilians" that were killed were civilians? WHy does this author assume the US military is the lying entity in this war. Why is it assumed that civilians jsut wonder in crowds when they full well know that US drones are watching? I, for one, hope there are more US military victories in Afghanistan like this one…. GO US!! GO!!!
Anyone with even half a brain (which excludes Jacobvich) assumes anything the US military says is a lie because it usually is. That's just their track record. Right, civilians never group together, only 'terrorists' do. Yeah, this is a real military victory. Killing people remotely from thousands of miles away is really brave, but a person blowing themselves up to strike at the enemy is a terrorist. How did the US ever get so upside down? That's right, we have people like Jacobovich.
Why are they fighting in Hellmand Province ? Didn't the English declare a Victory there not to long ago ?
anybody wishing for more brainless USA activity like Drone strikes should enlist. there is nothing worse than a Key Bord Terrorist.
Here it is in real simple terms for those of us with only half a brain…..
Hellmand Province is now a known sanctuary for 16 fewer suspected militants… = good news for the world… unless your a scumbag sympathizer
I personally trust the US military's statements about the subject much more than some power hungry Imam or some random middle eastern angst filled teenager that a reporter happened to find…. Just my half brained opinion, BASH away!
Let's see – we tried "winning the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people" by killing them – and how did that work out for US? Ooops – I forgot – we LOST that war. Let's see – we're trying to win the hearts and minds of the Aghan people by killing them – and how is that working out for US? A pirate in Saint Augustine's book – 'City of God' said it well: "Because I do it with one small ship I am called a terrorist. You do it with a whole fleet and are called an emperor." Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan threatened or attacked the U.S. – yet we have invaded, occupied both countries and are killing their people while destroying both countries – and why are we doing this? Oops – let's send aid to Haiti – that country has been devastated by an earthquake. As to aid to Iraq and Afghanistan – destroyed by US – NO aid to them! In fact – NO aid to homeless Americans in the U.S. Let's see – EVERY civilian killed in Vietnam was Viet Cong – weren't they? Of course they were – you think?
The fact is that the American Soldiers are like 14 year old kids with toys, brainwashed that they are "fighting" a war – nope, you are just murdering civilians, those men had wives, children & lives, well done America – and remember they hate you for your freedoms!!