September was sort of a high water mark for the war in Afghanistan, at least compared to other recent months. It was incredibly destructive,
to be sure, but after the massive violence in August’s run-up to the election, it was the first month in awhile that hadn’t broken records for death toll.
But as eight US soldiers were slain today in a series of IED attacks across Southern Afghanistan, the month of October surpassed August, which saw 51 US troops killed, and the current month’s record toll is 55 (with several days left).
Today’s deaths come just a day after 14 other Americans (11 of them soldiers) were killed and three US helicopters were downed in Afghanistan. The US has now lost over 900 soldiers in Afghanistan since the war began.
With winter looming large and some parts of the country already impassable, October will likely stand as the deadliest month for US forces at least until next spring, though the November 7 election will likely be violence-ridden as well. By spring of 2010 the Obama Administration’s planned escalation, whatever it may be, will likely also be in full swing, making next year likely all the deadlier for American forces.
And you can be assured there will be many more to follow and Fox News will also be responsible for the carnage by telling you "to stay the course" and hence responsible for more killings of naive young American men and women.
Why would Faux News be responsible? Obama doesn't listen to them, and they are completely irresponsible anyway! No, this is now Obama's war, the "necessary" war. The sheeple are told there are only two alternatives: 1) escalation to fight a counterinsurgency war or 2) pull back and bomb the hell out of them (terrorize them into submission). Of course, neither option has any chance of succeeding in any meaningful sense. Meanwhile, negotiating is off the table. After all, we don't negotiate with "terrorists".
IntenseDebate Notification <DIV>Thanks for your comments. Don't take them too seriously; they were just off the cuff. I agree with most of your remarks.</DIV> <DIV>However I do think that there is a high percentage of open and veiled propaganda. Fox News in a way could be compared toGoebel's Nazi propaganda machine, although its far more sophisticated. It propagates a sort of pseudo- patriotism, which is dangerous especiallywith regardsthe young, vulnerable, naive and gulliblepeople. It has recently increased it's viewing audience by some 13 %. It's a worryingtrend. It's most probably also financed by the Zionist lobby. Zionist propaganda is active, highly organised and widespread; theworld Press, at any rate in the democracies of the West, is largely amenable to it; it commands many of the available channels for the dissemination of news, and more particularly those of the English speaking world. Arab propaganda for example is in comparison, primitive and infintely less successfull: Arabs have little of the skill, polyglottic ubiquity ofr financial resources which makes Jewish propaganda so affective. The result isthat forseveral decadesnow, the world has been looking mainly through Zionists spectacles and has, witting or unwittingly, aquired the habit of reasoning on Zionist premises.</DIV> <DIV>With kind regards,</DIV> <DIV>Tom</DIV> <DIV>New Zealand</DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV style=\”FONT: 10pt arial\”>
The U.S. should get out of Afghanistan. The country is a sucker's play. Nothing good will come out of Americans being there.
Tens of millions are unemployed or under employed; millions are without proper food, shelter, or healthcare; home foreclosures are at an all time high; hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars have been stolen to bailout the Wall Street bankers and their cronies; the value of the dollar has plunged to record lows; deficit spending is now forecasted in the trillions of dollars for at least a decade; America is presently an economic basket case and getting worse each day. And yet, the political-banking-military-industrial ruling establishment refuses to relent one inch. They still insist that the enormous and wasteful military spending for their occupation of Iraq and their war in Afghanistan go forward. Their greed and their lust to totally dominate the world have made them all insane. It is time for corporate control of the federal government to come to an end. It is time for the American people to rise up, establish a new political movement that is responsive to the people, and take back the control of their government. If the American people do nothing then total economic ruin at the hands of the present ruling establishment is all but certain.
Just don't blame FOK News,all the networks are tools of the USA military government.You have to understand that America is a hired thug. EU needs the M.E oil (unhindered) and does not want to be under Russia's thumb for reliable oil supplies.Why did (once hired thug)Germany attack Russia twice WWI WWII ? Very dangerous times ahead :^/
My Army son's former squadmate is in the unit that was hit in So. Afghanistan. His mother is still waiting to see if he was one of the KIA. It is a VERY scary time for us. We absolutely HATE, HATE HATE these wars. Let's work at asking more men like Hoh to take a stand in protest and resign their post. The generals did this to Alexander the Great, and his emperialism came to an end. They just said "No more! We will not keep fighting for more territories, Alex!" Let's hope and pray that our generals will do the same.