Yemen Continues Military Offensive in South, Aided by US Troops and Bombs Hundreds have been killed in recent weeks, with very little information on their identities
Hundreds Die as US-Backed Yemen Offensive Escalates Panetta: No Need for Boots on the Ground in Yemen
Up to 34 Dead in US-Aided Yemen Offensive Without telling the American people, the Obama administration is waging war in Yemen through drones and combat troops
Suicide Car Bombing Attacks Shi’ite School in Yemen, 14 Killed Ansar al-Sharia Takes Credit for the Attack, Targeted 'Apostates'
Yemen: 35 ‘al-Qaeda’ Killed in Attack on Southern Town Military Claims Capture of Tiny Town of Wadi Banaa
US Hacks Yemeni Web Sites in Propaganda Campaign Secretary of State Hillary Clinton essentially admitted to playing precisely the same dirty game al-Qaeda is playing
Up to 28 Die in Yemen as US Troops Aid Military Offensive The Obama administration is fighting an undeclared war in Yemen, escalating drone strikes and sending in combat troops
112 Yemeni Soldiers Slain as Ally Turns Bomber Uniform Full of Explosives Tears Through Sanaa Battalion