US Vows to Keep Pressure on Syria as Hawks Urge More Attacks Turkey: US Attacks Cosmetic If They Don't Impose Regime Change
Hawkish Dems Cheer Trump Attack on Syria Clinton Called for US to 'Take Out' Airfields Just Hours Before US Strikes
Senators Seek New Sanctions Against Iran Over Missile Tests Sen. Graham Falsely Claims Test Violated UN Resolution
Sens. Graham and McCain Visit Ukraine Troops, Urge Offensive Graham Vows 2017 Is 'Year of Offensive' Against Russia
White House: Iran ‘On Notice,’ US Won’t Rule Out Attack Officials Vow 'Appropriate Action' Over Iran Missile Test
Sen. McCain Complains OMB Nominee Mulvaney Doesn’t Support the Troops Says Voting Against Afghan War 'Crazy' Because That's Where '9/11 Came From'
Trump Budget Chief Faces Opposition From GOP Hawks Rep. Mulvaney Is a Longtime Critic of Military Spending Hikes
Obama, House Republicans Trade Warnings Over Iran Deal Both Sides Warn Other of Trying to Make Changes Before Year's End