UN Security Council Expected to Vote on Israel Resolution on Friday Israeli Envoy Demands US Veto Resolution Against Settlements
Syria Declares ‘Victory’ as Last Aleppo Rebels Evacuated UN: Long Lines, Cold Weather Made Evacuation 'Traumatic'
Officials: Obama Would’ve Allowed Anti-Settlement Resolution to Pass at UNSC US Planned to 'Abstain' From Vote, Israel Urged Trump to Intervene
Evacuation of Aleppo Picks Up as UN Announces They’ll Send Monitors Evacuation Might Finish Before Monitors Even Arrive
Deal Reached to Evacuate Rebels From Aleppo Civilians Urged to Stay as City Now Totally Under Govt Control
Russia, China Veto UN Call for Aleppo Ceasefire Russia: Pause Would Just Give Rebels a Chance to Regroup
UN Agrees to Stop Reporting Iraqi Casualties After Military Complains Iraqi Army Accused Death Tolls of Hurting Morale
US Furious at UN Over Differing Afghan War Reports US Commander Considered Kicking UN Out of Kabul Base
UN Warns of Food and Water Shortages as Iraq Cuts Supplies Officials: 650,000 People Are Without Water
Russia: UN’s Syria Aid Shipments Politicized, Mostly Going to Rebels Offers to Escort Aid Into Eastern Aleppo