Leader of Ukraine’s Kherson to Ask Putin to Join Russia The Kremlin said the decision is up to the residents of Kherson
Ukraine Hails ‘Turning Point’ as Germany Hardens Stance on Russia Germany's FM visited Kyiv Tuesday and said Berlin aims to completely wean itself off of Russian energy 'forever'
Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Calls for Regime Change in Moscow Lithuania wants an increased NATO presence in the Baltic region
Austin, Blinken Ask Congress to Pass New Ukraine Aid by May 19 Biden is close to exhausting $3.5 billion in drawdown authority that allows him to send weapons from the US military's stockpiles to Ukraine
Sen. Tuberville Says US Risks War With Russia by ‘Poking the Bear’ in Ukraine Tuberville made the comments during a Senate hearing with DNI Avril Haines
Increasing Military Aid, Publicized Intel Sharing Reflects Ukraine Mission Creep Russia's State Duma speaker says the level of support amounts to the US participating directly in the war
UK’s Boris Johnson Urges Ukraine Not to Negotiate With Russia Johnson reportedly told Zelensky even if Ukraine wants to sign a deal with Putin the West is not ready
Congressional Democrats Increase Biden’s Ukraine Aid Request to $40 Billion The Ukraine aid could be passed by the House as soon as Tuesday
Pentagon Reviewing Hundreds of Proposals from Weapons Industry to Arm Ukraine The Pentagon asked the industry to offer new weapons and other systems