Leaked Dossier Claims Russia Has ‘Blackmail Videos’ on Trump Report Originated From Unnamed 'Former British Intelligence Agent'
Chief of Staff: Trump Now Accepts Russia Hacking Allegations Says Trump Open to 'Taking Action' Over Hacking
Trump Says Russia Hacking Investigation a ‘Political Witch Hunt’ Insists Hacking Had 'No Effect' on Vote's Outcome
Obama-Appointed Ambassadors Must Resign by January 20 Many Nations May Lack US Ambassadors for Months on End
Top Senator: Trump Won’t Tear Up Iran Nuclear Deal Corker Believes Trump Will 'Radically Enforce' Pact
Tensions Rising Between Trump Team, Mattis Over Appointments Mattis Seen Rejecting Proposed Appointments
US Intel Chief Cites Phantom Evidence on ‘Russian Hacking’ Narrative Continues to Rest on Unsubstantiated Allegations
US Spy Chief Claims ‘Unprecedented’ Russian Involvement in US Vote Promises to Provide Evidence Sometime Next Week