US Officials: Russia Might Send Snowden to US to Please Trump Claims Intelligence Came Since Inauguration
Assad Rejects Safe Zones, Would Welcome US Troops Says US Must Be Willing to Coordinate in Fight Against ISIS
Trump: Israeli Settlement Growth ‘Not Good for Peace’ Comments Made In Interview With Hebrew-Language Paper
Trump Reverse Course, Backs ‘One China’ Policy Assures Chinese President of Continued 'One China' Stance
Yemen Withdraws Permission for US Ground Operations US Officials Say Ban Doesn't Apply to Drone Attacks
Trump Risks Blundering Deeper Into Yemen War Ground Raid, Destroyer Deployment Point to Yemen as an Early Focus
Airstrikes Pound Nusra Front Headquarters, at Least 37 Killed Observatory: Strikes Likely Either Russia or US
Elliott Abrams Under Consideration for Deputy Secretary of State Notorious Neocon's Decades of Scandal Presented as Experience