US Envoy Warns Soleimani’s Successor Faces ‘the Same Fate’ Warns Gen. Ghaani against attacks 'on Americans or American interests'
US Ambassador Denies Any Talks With Iraq on Removing Troops Says US is 'prepared to discuss' relationship
US Threatens to Cut Military Aid If Iraq Asks Troops to Leave State Dept prepares to cut all $250 million in approved aid
US Envoy Rejects North Korea Deadline, Says Kim Must Reach Out Biegun says US has offered 'creative' ways to continue talks
State Dept Claims September Attack on Saudi an ‘Act of War’ by Iran UN has cautioned there is no evidence Iran is behind attack
US Blocks UN Security Council Meeting on North Korea North Korea warned meeting would be a provocation
Senior US Officials Meet With Libyan Warlord Hafter US delegation expressed 'serious concern' about Russia
State Dept Looking Into Arms Transfers to Yemen Islamist Groups Both Saudis, UAE suspected of unauthorized transfers
Trump Officials Meet With Hafter Representative in Libya Shift State Dept says talks are part of 'broad outreach'
US Demands Hafter Forces Stop Trying to Capture Libyan Capital State Dept accuses Russia of exploiting Libya's conflict