US Won’t Hesitate to Act Against Iraq’s Militias to Protect Personnel State Dept: Iranian-backed militias are Iraq's 'single biggest problem'
US Demands Iraq Immediately Act Against Militias Iraq creates special force to protect Baghdad's Green Zone
State Dept: Incredibly Positive Conversations Underway on F-35 Sales to UAE Dept says 'no doubt' the deal will come into place
State Dept Official: No Indication of Planned Russian Intervention in Belarus Says Russian involvement would be 'most unwelcome'
Outrage as Pompeo Gives Convention Speech in Jerusalem Critics say unacceptable to give political speech during official travel
US Watchdog Report Cites Civilian Casualties in Saudi Arms Deal State Dept did not make efforts to mitigate civilian casualties
US Frowns Upon Iranian Grocery Store in Venezuela State Dept warns Iran is putting itself in more danger with supermarket
China Orders US to Close Consulate in Chengdu State Dept won't say if the US will actually close the site
US Warns Iran and China Against Major Investment and Security Deal State Dept vows to impose costs on both nations