Overlooking Congressional Ban, Pentagon to Fund NATO Missile Defense Hagel: Pleased to Fulfill Our 'Commitment'
US Delays Missile Test, But Remains Hostile to North Korea Pentagon Says Delay to Avoid 'Misperceptions'
Pentagon: North Korea a ‘Real and Clear Danger’ Rep. King: US Has 'Moral Obligation' to Attack North Korea
US Concedes Claims of Taliban Attack Decrease Were False False Claims of Afghan War Progress Chalked Up to 'Clerical Error'
Can Pentagon Keep Up ‘Asian Pivot’ While Scrambling Into Northern Africa? Africom Pushes for Ever More Resources
Pentagon Angry at UN Over Report on Afghan Child Deaths in Air Strikes Insists Taliban Killed More Civilians
Pentagon Eyes ‘Quick Strike’ Forces Across the Planet Panetta Downplays Lack of Troops in Benghazi, But Moves for Global Capabilities