US Announces Full Defunding of UN Refugee Agency Administration cites growing number of Palestinian refugees
Abbas: Future Palestinian State Should Be Demilitarized Tells visiting Israelis he prefers to spend money on education
Trump Will Demand UN Revoke 90% of Palestinians’ Refugee Status Seeks to dramatically curb refugee aid into West Bank
Trump Administration Cuts $200 Million in Funding to Palestinians Funds will be diverted elsewhere to 'provide value' to taxpayers
Trump: Israel Will ‘Pay a Higher Price’ for Jerusalem Embassy Promises Palestinians will 'get something very good'
Kushner Pushes for Millions of Palestinians in Jordan to Lose Refugee Status Hopes to destroy UN Relief and Works Agency
Report: Israeli, Saudi Officials Holding Secret Talks in Egypt Palestinian official says talks undermining the PA
Arab Diplomats Urge Abbas to Accept Whatever Trump Proposes Palestinians should 'take what they can get'
Palestinians Slam Planned US Embassy Move to Jerusalem Erekat: US destroying two-state solution with move