German, Belgian Troops Arrive in Lithuania for NATO Deployment Troops Are First of About 1,200 That Will Be Sent
Key NATO Commander Agrees With Trump, NATO Is Obsolete Gen. Mercier Says NATO Too Focused on Deploying Troops Abroad
German Opposition Leader: Dissolve NATO, Seek Security Deal With Russia Says Collective Security System Needs to Include Russia
German FM: NATO ‘Concerned’ Trump Says Alliance Is Obsolete 'No Easing of Tensions' Between NATO, Trump
Thousands of US Troops, Tanks Advance Toward Russian Border Russia Sees US Military Buildup as Security Threat
Pentagon Vows More European Wargames to ‘Deter Russia’ Major Deployment of Tanks Meant to Ensure 'A Europe That is Whole'
NATO Announces Another Deployment of Ground Troops to Afghanistan Italian-Led Troops Will Head to Farah Province in Far West
Turkish Cop Assassinates Russian Ambassador ‘For Aleppo’ NATO Offers 'Condolences' for Death of Russian Envoy on NATO Soil