No Decision Made on NATO Afghanistan Withdrawal NATO chief said he expects violence against the alliance's troops if they stay beyond the May 1st deadline
German Defense Minister Warns Against Afghanistan Withdrawl NATO ministers are set to discuss US-Taliban peace deal on Thursday
NATO Expected to Increase Military Training Presence in Iraq Sources told Reuters that NATO could increase troops from 500 to around 4,000 or 5,000
NATO Will Not Leave Afghanistan ‘Before Time Is Right’ Deadline for foreign forces to withdraw from Afghanistan is May 1st
Taliban Warns NATO Not to Scrap Planned Withdrawal From Afghanistan Staying would lead to 'continuation of war'
Ukraine Plans New Black Sea Bases as US and NATO Step Up Presence in the Region US warships drilled with Turkey in the Black Sea on Tuesday
State Department Approves First Weapons Sales Under Biden Deals include missiles for Chile and radio equipment for NATO
NATO General Says West Is Concerned With China-Russia Ties A recent NATO report called for the alliance to put more focus on China
NATO to Stay in Afghanistan Beyond May Pullout Deadline US pledged pullout seen wavering, Biden 'taking a hard look' at peace deal
Afghan President Says NATO Wants to Stay in Afghanistan and Needs US Support Ghani urged the Biden administration to step up pressure on the Taliban and not rush to withdraw