Pentagon: Patriot Missiles to Stay in Jordan After ‘Training Exercise’ Jordan: System Only for Defensive Purposes
Jordan Frets Rise of Syria’s Islamist Rebels Across Border Efforts to Back 'Secular' Rebels Not Paying Off
Bombs Hit Baghdad as Iraq Violence Moves Into Second Week Sunnis Cry Foul as Govt Closes Jordan Border Over 'Security'
Syria’s Neighbors Fear US War Would Mean Spillover Violence British Army Chief Also Warns Against Intervention
Syrian Missiles Hit Jordan: No Casualties As Strikes Target Border Area Rebels, Stray Missiles Cross into Jordan
Jordanians Protest US Troops, Fear Being Dragged into Syrian War New Deployments Just the Tip of the Iceberg, Many Fear
Jordan Agrees: Israel Can Use Airspace to Attack Syria Deal Will Allow Israel to Avoid Lebanon Overflights
US Sends More Troops to Jordan for Syrian War Planning Hagel: US 'Better Be Damned Sure' Before Intervention