US, Iraq to Start Talks on Future of US Military Presence The Iraqi government has been calling for an end to the presence as the US continues to launch airstrikes in the country
US Launches More Airstrikes in Iraq as Tensions Soar The US military says it targeted Kataib Hezbollah
Biden Thinks It’s Just a Matter of Time Before US Troops Are Killed in Iraq or Syria The US might attack Iran directly if an American is killed
US Troops Injured in Heavy Missile and Rocket Attack on US Base in Iraq CENTCOM says a 'number' of US personnel are being examined for traumatic brain injuries, and one Iraqi soldier was wounded
Al-Sudani Says US-Led Coalition Withdrawal ‘Necessary’ for Iraq’s Security US bases in Iraq continue to come under attack
Iraq, Pakistan Protest Iranian Missile Strikes on Their Territories Iraq's prime minister and the leader of Iraqi Kurdistan canceled planned meetings with Iranian officials in Davos
New Jersey National Guard Prepares to Deploy to Iraq and Syria Amid Attacks It's unclear if the deployment of 1,500 troops is part of a regular troop rotation or a reinforcement
Iraq’s Prime Minister Says He Seeks a ‘Quick’ Exit of US Forces Al-Sudani says the only solution to de-escalating tensions in the region is for Israel to end its siege on Gaza
Pentagon Says US Has No Plans to Withdraw From Iraq Iraq's prime minister said he is taking steps to expel US forces
Officials Warn Biden Is Leading the US Into a Major Middle East War US officials told HuffPost that 'no one can rein in Biden' and that Israeli officials are 'hell bent' on a war in southern Lebanon