Media Reports 300 ISIS Militants and Their Families Are Hiding in Northern Iraq Group claimed to be on a mountain 60 km from Mosul
Iraq’s PUK Peshmerga Willing to Help Syrian Kurds If Turkey Invades Peshmerga willing to provide 'material aid' for YPG
Iran’s President Rouhani Looks to Bolster Trade With Iraq to Beat US Sanctions Sees Baghdad as key economic lifeline amid US sanctions
US Sanctions Iraqi Shi’ite Militia Aligned With Iraqi Govt US officials accuse group of being an 'Iranian proxy'
Iraq Could Take Reins in Handling Foreign ISIS Detainees PM says Iraq willing to help repatriate ISIS captives
Officials Say Hundreds of ISIS Fled Syria Into Iraq in Past Six Months ISIS disguising themselves as cattle herders to cross border
In Iraq Visit, Top US General Talks Long-Term ISIS ‘Threat’ Doesn't expect Iraq policy to change after Syria pullout
Israel May Look to Expand Covert War Against Iran Beyond Syria Iran is reducing Syria presence, limiting targeting options
Iraq PM Rejects Any Permanent Foreign Bases in Iraq Acting Pentagon chief aims to reassure PM about US plans
Top Iraqi Cleric Rejects Trump’s Talk of US Base to ‘Watch Iran’ Sistani says Iraq should maintain good relations will all neighbors