Pentagon: ‘All Options Are On the Table’ After Rockets Kill Two US Troops in Iraq Trump authorizes military to respond, blaming Iran-backed militia
US-Led Coalition Attacks Militias in Iraq and Syria, Killing at Least 26 Militia pounded in border town of Abu Kamal
Two US Soldiers, 1 British Soldier Killed After Rockets Hit Iraq Base Officials suspect Shi'ite militias in rocket attack
US to Install Air Defenses in Iraq, Claiming Iranian Threat CENTCOM chief cites January missile attack by Iran
US Reviewing Iraq Operations After Two Soldiers Killed Troops were clearing a cave complex south of Irbil
Iraq’s Acting PM Resigns, Calls for Early Election Abdul Mahdi had already resigned, will now leave office
Iraq PM-Designate Withdraws Candidacy as Kurds, Opposition Block Cabinet Kurds reach deal with opposition to prevent govt formation
Iranian, Iraqi Ayatollahs Vie for Control Over Iraqi Shi’ite Militias US assassination of PMF leader leaves open a gap in power
Sadr’s Supporters Hold Iraq Counter-Protests, Fault Criticism of Cleric Sadr issues religious guidelines for protesters