Syria: Israel Kills Three Shi’ite Fighters in Airstrikes; ISIS Kills Eight in Ground Ambush Shi'ite militias in eastern Syria are under growing pressure
US Spy Chief Says There are Greater ‘Terrorist Threats’ Than Afghanistan Biden officials have been citing 'threats' in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Somalia, signaling continued US intervention in those countries
Drones, Likely Israeli, Attack Militia Sites on Iraq-Syria Border US denies any involvement in strikes
Turkey Destroys Clinic in Northern Iraq, Killing 18 Kurds Sinjar faces second straight day of Turkish strikes
Millions Without Water in West Baghdad After ISIS Attack ISIS hit key electricity pylon near pumping station
Iran Asks Iraq to Expel Rebels From Kurdish Border Areas Iran wants 'preventative measures' against armed groups
Iraqi Militia Says There Will Be an ‘Appropriate Response’ If All US Troops Don’t Leave The US said its combat mission in Iraq will end, but troops will remain in an advisory role