Israel Kills Two Soldiers and a Civilians in First Attack on New Syrian Government Forces Turkey demands Israel withdraw troops from southern Syria
Israel Plans Long-Term Occupation of New Zone Inside Syria Israeli officials accuse West of turning a blind eye to new government’s risk
Israel Seizes New Villages in Southern Syria, Fires on Protesters Opposing Occupation Israeli bulldozers and tanks moving deeper into Syria’s southwest
Israel To Expand Settlements in Occupied Golan Heights Israeli troops captured more Syrian land and the defense minister says they will continue to occupy it through the winter
UN Warns Israel Committing ‘Severe Violations’ of Ceasefire with Syria Military construction along the Alpha Line risks further increase in tensions
Pompeo Visits West Bank and Golan Heights: ‘This is a Part of Israel’ Pompeo announced any products made in West Bank settlements can be labeled 'Made in Israel,' State Department to label BDS movement 'anti-Semitic'
Campaign Official Says Biden Would Keep Golan Heights Recognition Biden has said he would not reverse US embassy's move to Jerusalem
All 28 EU Nations Reject Israeli Annexations of Golan Heights Trump's shift in position broadly rejected internationally
Netanyahu: Golan Endorsement ‘Proves’ Israel Can Keep Occupied Territories Says territory seized in 1967 'belongs to us'
Trump Signs Decree Recognizing Israeli Annexation of Golan Heights Netanyahu: Israel won Golan in a 'just war'