New York Stock Exchange Reverses Plan to Delist Chinese Firms NYSE announced last week it would delist the companies to comply with an executive order
China’s New Defense Law Gives Military More Control of War Powers New amendment is likely a reaction to increased US military activity near China's coast
Stock Exchange to Delist Chinese Firms to Comply With Executive Order Move came after Trump banned US investments in Chinese companies with alleged military ties
China Denounces UK’s Plan to Sail Aircraft Carrier Into South China Sea Britain's defense minister said it would sail new warship into the disputed waters as part of Pacific deployment
US Warships Steam Through Sensitive Taiwan Strait 2020 saw the highest number of US transits in the Strait in the past decade
Report: ‘Uncorroborated’ Intel Says China Offered Bounties For US Troops in Afghanistan A source told Politico the intel was 'very thin,' describing it as 'rumors'
EU Set to Finalize Investment Deal With China EU will let companies investment more in China, China will level playing field
Senate Expected to Grill Biden Nominees on China China hawks in the House are disappointed that Biden didn't choose Michele Flournoy for SecDef
Joe Biden Calls For ‘Modernizing’ US Defenses to Face Russia and China Biden warns of threats in cyberspace in wake of SolarWinds hack
China Opposes Taiwan and Tibet Legislation Packed Into Spending Bill The $2.3 billion spending bill signed by President Trump includes acts that reaffirm US arms sales to Taiwan and pave the way for sanctions over Tibet