Panetta Tries to Convince China US Military Buildup Not Aimed at Containment Panetta isn't fooling anybody, as it is widely acknowledged that the Asia pivot is about blocking China's rise
Japan-China Island Dispute Heats Up as US Meddling Aggravates Tensions China sends armada of 1,000 fishing boats to islands Japan just claimed to purchase privately
Clinton Met With Friction From Antagonized China The Obama administration's 'Asia pivot' has provoked a hostile reaction from China
China Warns US to Stay Out of South China Sea Dispute Clinton Comments Fuel Accusations of 'Taking Sides'
US Drones Pound North Waziristan, Killing 18 Anti-Chinese Militant Reportedly Slain in Flurry of Strikes
US Provoking China Militarily, in Both Rhetoric and Policy The US accused China of militarizing the region, when Washington is the one doing the militarizing
Washington Aggravating Asian Territorial Disputes The Obama administration aims to undercut China's economic and military rise
US Deploying Surveillance Drones Near China Even John McCain called the move "unnecessarily provocative"
Pentagon Plans for Air-Sea War in Asia Inflame China Tensions Some critics of the new strategies argue it could set off a new arms race
Chinese Warship Crosses Suez, Possibly Bound for Syria Crossing Adds to Speculation About Massive Naval Drill