Envoy Says China Might Escort Its Ships in Gulf Under US Proposal Officials say they are 'studying' the US proposal
Pentagon Chief Wants More Missiles in Asia Dismisses probable Chinese objection to more nukes in Asia
Diplomats Recommit to Saving Iran Nuclear Deal, Oppose US Sanctions China says all sides strongly oppose unilateral US sanctioning
South Korean Forces Fire Warning Shots at Joint Russia-China Air Patrol Russia denies claims it violated Korean air space
Socom Chief: Russia, China, and Iran Are Primary Obstacles to Venezuela Regime Change Faults Iran for allowing direct flights from Tehran to Caracas
China Denies Pentagon Claims of Missile Tests in South China Sea Says only fire was part of 'routine drills'
US Ignores Chinese Warnings, Unveils $2 Billion Weapons Deal to Taiwan Chinese officials warn sales endanger the 'One China' policy
China Says War With US Would Be a Disaster as Tensions Mount China warns US threatening regional stability
Pompeo Threatens Germany Over Possible Huawei Telecom Deal Says Germany would lose access to US intelligence
China to Create Blacklist of US Companies as Trade War Escalates Move seen as retaliation for anti-Huawei measures