Al-Jazeera Slams Saudi Demand to Shut Them Down Sees Move as Attempt to Silence Freedom of Expression
Bahrain Begins Jailing People for Not Endorsing Anti-Qatar Policy Lawyer, Unnamed Social Media User Arrested for Dissent
Qatar FM: Al-Jazeera Off the Table in Any Negotiations News Broadcaster Won't Be Shut Down in Attempt to End Blockade
May Pushes Internet Regulation After London Attack Tories Have Long Sought to Impose Censorship on Internet
Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube Create Program to Silence ‘Terrorist Propaganda’ Online New Database Will Allow for Quick Recognition of Terrorist Content
Trump Blames Freedom of the Press for Bombings Complains Freedom of Speech Stopping Govt From Arresting More People
Turkey Seizes Most Popular Newspaper, Claiming ‘Terror Ties’ Court Approves Govt 'Trustees' to Run Paper
Turkey Arrests British Reporters, Charging Them as Terrorists Reporters Accused of Working for Terrorists
Holder: US Not Censoring Journalists Because ‘We’re Not in a Time of War’ Warns Press to Be Aware of 'National Security' Impact of Reporting
Tanks and Tear Gas: Police Crack Down on Press, Protesters in Missouri Ferguson Police Beat Up, Arrest Journalists