Despite Offensive, Insurgents Remain a Presence in Major Swat Towns Militants Blend In With Populace, Retain Hold on Key Regions
Gates: Timing Not Right for Taliban Reconciliation Deal Unlikely Until Taliban Starts Losing, Secretary Insists
Pakistani Military Touts Captured Taliban Tent General Claims Hundreds Killed 'Liberating' Tent, No Bodies Found
Will Gitmo Closure Ever Happen? As Excuses and Political Opposition Abound, Obama Promise Means Less and Less
At Least 45 Killed, Mostly Civilians, as Somali Govt Launches Mogadishu Offensive Shelling Hit Busload of Fleeing Civilians
US Threatens to Pull Lebanon Aid Depending on Election Outcome Biden "Did Not Come Here to Back Any Institution or Political Party," But...
Obama Promises Naval Grads: No Wars Without Goals President Vows to Maintain Global Military Dominance