US Drones Destroy North Waziristan House, Killing Nine Official Story Continues to Change as Identities of 'Suspects' Remain Unclear
Gates: European Aversion to War a Danger to Peace US Defense Secretary Slams 'Demilitarization of Europe'
British Military Chiefs: More Troops Needed Thousands of Additional Troops Needed to Continue Afghan War
Iraq to Sue Over Fake Bomb Detectors Scientists Say Devices Essentially a 'Car Antenna Mounted on a Plastic Box'
Karzai Moves to Eliminate UN Oversight in Future Elections Afghan President Will Now Handpick Entire Election Commission
1,000 Americans Slain in Operation Enduring Freedom So Far 8+ Year Operation Covers Afghan War, Three Other Smaller Conflicts
Iran Reports Jundallah Leader in Custody Abdulmalek Rigi Arrested Just Days After Pledging New Attacks