Taliban Attacks Kill 12 NATO Soldiers, Eight of Them Americans Attacks Center Around Afghanistan's Restive Southwest
Israel Claims Gaza-Bound Aid Ship Agrees to Flee to Egypt Charity Insists Ship Remains En Route to Besieged Strip
Pakistani Embassy Issues Bizarre Denial That Scientist Is There Arrangements Being Made for Iranian Scientist to Leave US
Sen. Levin Calls for More Attacks Against Pakistan Tribal Areas Says Pakistani Groups 'Directly Threaten the Afghan Mission'
Pakistan Claims At Least 100 Taliban Killed in Orakzai Clash Pakistani Troops Attacked 'Hideouts' Across Tribal Agency
Afghan Soldier on the Run After Killing Three British Soldiers Cameron Vows Attack Won't Change Strategy
Al-Jazeera Sued for Reporting on 2006 Lebanon War Israelis File Suit in New York, Claiming News Reports 'Aided Enemy'
Eight Years Later, Judge Approves First Civilian Gitmo Trial Judge Insists Years of Detention, Interrogation by CIA 'Important'
Major Embarrassment for US as Long-Missing Iranian Scientist Turns Up a DC Embassy US Insists He Was 'Just Visiting'
Rights Group: Inept Karzai Makes Afghan War Unwinnable Insurgency Becoming More Resilient as Toll Rises