Thought Destroyed, Bush-Era Torture Memo Released Bush officials' destruction of dissenting legal opinions will not be investigated, in keeping with Obama policy of protecting war criminals
US to Make Concession on Night Raids in Afghanistan The Obama administration's concessions are a recognition that the US is losing the war
First Contingent of US Troops Arrives in Australia Aimed at containing a rising China, US troops presence in Australia will grow to 2,500 by 2016
ICC Rejects Palestinian Bid to Investigate Israeli War Crimes Palestine is technically not an internationally recognized state, says the ICC, and thus outside their jurisdiction
Jordanians Face Military Tribunal, 10 Years in Prison for Speech The tyranny in Jordan harshly suppresses democracy with US help
In Escalating Drone War, US Targets Yemen Rulers’ Rivals Al Qaeda-affiliated or not, ill-defined 'militants' assassinated from the sky
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Leader To Run for President The unexpected announcement has antagonized the ruling military junta, who still receive Washington's support
Mali Army Retreats From Military Bases as Rebels Gain Ground West African neighbors have threatened sanctions and possible war if coup leaders don't immediately restore democracy
Support for Afghan War Hits New Low, Majority Say Pull Out Before 2014 Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta rejected the legitimacy of the opinion of most Americans
Clinton: Time Running Out for Diplomacy With Iran Rhetoric about Iranian intentions to build nuclear weapons still sputter despite intelligence consensus to the contrary