US Pressures South Korea to Host Medium-Range Missiles Washington wants to deploy missiles once prohibited under the INF treaty
US Pressures South Korea to Host Medium-Range Missiles Washington wants to deploy missiles once prohibited under the INF treaty
FBI Feeds Pentagon Intel For Offensive Cyberattacks US intel agencies often accuse adversary nations of cyberattacks
US Launches Airstrikes in Iraq from Carrier For First Time in Two Years Airstrikes launched from a carrier in the Persian Gulf likely a show of force aimed at Iran
Sudan and Oman Could Be Next to Normalize With Israel The US is demanding Sudan normalizes with Israel to be removed from the state sponsor of terror list
Taiwan Tests Missiles as Tensions Soar Visit to Taiwan from US official set off increase in PLA flights
Top US Marine Calls For Reshuffling Pacific to Face China The commandant says old deployments designed for Korean war are outdated
Pentagon May Increase Navy Fleet to Over 500 Ships Secretary of Defense Mark Esper wants more funding for US Navy shipbuilding
Putin Calls For Mutual Ban on Election Meddling With US US intel agencies claim Russia, China, and Iran are meddling in 2020 election