US Sails Warship Near Chinese-Controlled Islands in South China Sea First 'Freedom of Navigation Operation' to challenge Beijing's claims in the region under the Biden administration
Falsely Imprisoned Guantanamo Inmate Appeals to Biden For Release Ahmed Rabbani was kidnapped in 2002, a victim of mistaken identity who is being held on no charges and was tortured for years
France’s Macron Suggests He Could Broker US-Iran Talks The French president said a stricter deal was needed and that talks should include Saudi Arabia and Israel, two ideas Iran has already rejected
US Considering Targeted Sanctions After Myanmar Coup Biden demands Myanmar's military 'relinquish' control
Army General Says US Needs More Advanced Weaponry in Europe US Army plan will add more artillery, cyber, and space fighting capabilities
First US Warship Steams Through Taiwan Strait Under Biden The Trump Administration sailed 13 warships through the Strait in 2020
Biden Says He Will End ‘Offensive Support’ For Saudi War in Yemen National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said the war against al-Qaeda in Yemen will continue
Biden to End US Support for Saudi Offensive Operations in Yemen Biden to name Timothy Lenderking as US special envoy to Yemen
Iran’s President Rejects Call For Changes to Nuclear Deal Rouhani said no new countries will be added to the JCPOA
US Admiral Warns Nuclear War With Russia, China Is a ‘Real Possibility’ STRATCOM chief calls for a policy that views the use of nuclear weapons as a 'very real possibility'