Though the Obama Administration’s official meetings with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak centered mostly on planning more moves against Iran, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insists that she did bring up the ongoing blockade of the Gaza Strip.
“We discussed it at length,” Clinton told reporters, “we hope to see progress there.” According to New America Foundation analyst Daniel Levy, Secretary Clinton was pressed repeatedly by both officials and private citizens on Gaza during her visit to the Gulf region. “It undermines the credibility of the United States,” Levy noted.
US officials have brought up the possibility of easing the Gaza blockade several times, but Israel’s Netanyahu government has not budged, leading many to believe that the US comments are more lip-service than anything else.
Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip has been on for years, but since the 2009 invasion of the strip Israel has tightened it severely, allowing only the bare minimum of food and medicine into the strip and leaving enormous amounts of reconstruction aid useless, as they refuse to allow the importation of building materials.
The Obama Administration has made Israeli peace talks a high priority officially, but has made no real progress, with President Obama declaring that peace was “just really hard.” Arab officials say that George Mitchell, Obama’s envoy in charge of the peace process, has become so frustrated with the lack of progress and the State Department’s pro-Israel bias that he has threatened to resign.
There is no such place as Gulf. It is called the Persian Gulf, you motherfcuker.
Did she tell Israel America is no longer going to give them 3 billion dollars a year?
"We discussed it at length, we hope to see progress there."
How would a real transcript of that lengthy conversation look like?
Clinton: "About that blockade in err.. Hazza er or something, I promised to bring that subject up.."
Netanyahu: "First, shut your mouth or we kick your ass out of the country and second who were these foul antisemites so we can send some assassins after them."
Clinton: "Yes sir, you are so right. I thought so myself, so I'v taken the liberty to write down their names and home addresses on this list here. Next topic! How much more money would you like this year? We can't give you 3 billion a year no longer, so we have to increase the amount."
Netanyahu: "My kinda gal."
Clinton: "Purrrrrr"
What is simiLIAR ? between Madeliene (Marie Jana Korbelová) Albright and Hillary (Rodenhurst )Clinton and John (Kohn) Kerry. No wonder America is a mess :^/
As soon as America stops sending billions of dollars to Israel and billions of dollars worth of military arms to Israel – then and ONLY then will Israel begin to act like a responsible nation – but, of course – that will NEVER happen. Israel can NOT exist without money being drianed from the American taxpayers.
Yeah, why not?
Now what is needed is to establish another "roadmap" ,for lifting the blokade on Gaza, considering as priority -'safety' of Israel. Yeah, Hillary, yeah, let's start that humanitarian process as soon as possible, it doesn't matter how long it takes.(may be our grandchildren will finish it). In the meanwhile keep them pouring those billions into 'the only Democracy of the Middle East' and its 'most moral 'Defense Force'.
George Mitchell should resign and why doesn't he? He's quite old and has plenty of money so why not take a stand for justice and his own integrity? By now, its obvious that Obama won't allow him to accomplish anything.
how to lie through yer teeth 101/two faced rooster bit pieces of total prop and hs,starting to notice a pattern yet a century of tyranny or two latter