President Barack Obama accepted his Nobel Peace Prize today, and as expected he acknowledged that even he isn’t clear why he got the prize, noting that there were millions of people more deserving.
But President Obama’s “acceptance speech” was far from an expression of contrition, spending most of the speech defending his War in Afghanistan as an inherently just war, and rambling on about all the other recent American wars and his ostensible justifications of them.
Then, in what must’ve been one of the least humble and least appropriate speeches ever given before the Nobel Committee, Obama declared non-violence to be impractical and insisted that the “limits of reason” meant that the American military would continue to have to be used for “moral” reasons.
In extolling the virtues of war while accepting what was supposed to be a prize for radical advocates of peace, President Obama had what could only be called one of the quintessential jerkass moments of American history, an embarrassing exhortation to the advocates of peace to accept violence as the one true way of solving the world’s problems.
It's historical.
Also, in Kissinger's acceptance speech "in absentia", we hear…
""To the realist, peace represents a stable arrangement of power; to the idealist, a goal so pre-eminent that it conceals the difficulty of finding the means to its achievement. But in this age of thermonuclear technology, neither view can assure man's preservation. Instead, peace, the ideal, must be practised. A sense of responsibility and accommodation must guide the behavior of all nations. Some common notion of justice can and must be found, for failure to do so will only bring more "just" wars.""
It's historical.
Also, in Kissinger's acceptance speech "in absentia", we hear…
""To the realist, peace represents a stable arrangement of power; to the idealist, a goal so pre-eminent that it conceals the difficulty of finding the means to its achievement. But in this age of thermonuclear technology, neither view can assure man's preservation. Instead, peace, the ideal, must be practised. A sense of responsibility and accommodation must guide the behavior of all nations. Some common notion of justice can and must be found, for failure to do so will only bring more "just" wars.""
Before Obama's Oslo speech, I thought George W. Bush had pushed the limits of audacity!
Indeed a slap on Nobel peace committee and on all peace loving people of the World.
I think we need some Taoists in power. They understand concepts of cause and effect.
"Stretch a bow to its limit, and you will wish you had stopped in time…"
Good post – I can't give you a thumbs up because I'm not logged in.
But I would if I could.
I'm starting to wonder about this man. All the incogruent and illogical speeches, usually attributed to what, his brilliance as a JD? Could it be that he isn't all that bright after all? Throughout life he got far on the basis of the color of his skin and on being somewhat articulate. But his trains of thought are a wreck. W got less and less intelligent in his administration, what can we expect of Obama? If this continues he'll end up speaking gibberish like W.
One must keep in mind that the water boy for Wall Street was chosen because of his supine approach to ethics and principle, and his mellifluous hypocrisy. We must not forget the color of his skin. He would not have been chosen, and would not have won, otherwise. Americans are predictably keying on superficiality rather than substance, of which Obama has none. Steppin Fetchit has been groomed for this role, and the progressives bought into it.
War does not work either Mr.Obama !
You will learn when you are tossed out onto the scrapheep of History
You've gotta love how Obama can't tell the difference between self-defense and wars of imperialism.
right on daniel! Bin Laden didn't take down that third building!
Common guys, get real….. His ACTIONS [the surge] have circumscribed his OPTIONS..on the Oslo stage and the world stage the committee and the world. What is he to do, say that war sucks and he was a dupe to escalate..?? No,
he is doing what any intelligent person would do in such a situation, go for the big lie..!! "Our aim is NOT conquest" We are fighting this war, not to occupy Afghanistan, or exploit it's resources, but to bring peace…… and progress to this land, so girls can have the right to attend school….. It sounds so even and fair…… No, this war is G-d's werk, gettin rid o thoz rascal Taliban….. No mention of Unocal, the TAP pipeline [ or the Neocon dream to castrate Islam……………Rahm must B stylin………
hehe dorks
Perhaps we need to change the name of the prize to the Nobel War Prize, then have all the people dedicated to peace receive it, to reverse the irony.
I find it somewhat interesting that Obama would speak so humbly about not deserving the prize. The picture used for this article (I am making the assumption that this picture was taken during the ceremony) shows Obama presenting a common -and some researchers would contend "universal"- facial expression for pride. The chin is up and the smile is slight.
I'm not so sure Keb. Looks more like "enjoyment" to me. I could be wrong. Either way, I find it interesting that Bush got so much crap for Iraq, and Obama send more troops to Afghanistan, is selected for the peace prize, and then months later sends more troops. Hey Obama, you can't get peace by instigating war. Duh.
The chin is up so he can read the teleprompter
Italy Ex-President – CIA And Mossad Ran 9-11…
Occupiers involved in drug trade: Afghan minister…
Brother of Afghan Leader Said to Be Paid by C.I.A.
Latest On The CIA's Drug Business…
Heroin Trafficking -The following year the Taliban banned poppy cultivation, a move which cut production by 94 percent.
Reply – Israel. Israel needs? the opium for making Ectasy.…
Obama Ecstasy pills hit the streets
O'boner's father had several wifes in Africia and loved going after young white American girls.Worse his mother was ' I please any man '
The out of wedlock (basterd)President is no better. By the way,where and how did he get all that money to be educated and the groomers where–Mayor of Chicago and Newt Gingrich's Law firm
Why is it,that Americans appoint jokeassess-all the time. Harry Truman, Woodrow Wilson,took America to many wars–countless millions died on pack of lies. They both received Nobel Prizes. Time to can the prize–too Kosher to me :^/
Yaridanjo's comment is pathetic. If only it were that simple. Ecstasy does not require opium – nor would it ever under any conceivable set of circumstances incorporate opium – for starters. The rest of his citations are interesting but unconvincing. But, this is beside the point. Obama's speech in Oslo was a disappointment. He made no reference to war as a crime against humanity or to war crimes. He did claim to have stopped torture and to have ordered the closure of Guantanamo – as if those were the only ethical-legal-military problems he had to deal with from the Bush Era. But, all is not lost. Had he not been awarded the peace prize – would he have ordered troops in Afghanistan to "withdraw" to a "transition of responsibility" in mid-2011? Possibly not. While Gates and Clinton are still attempting to sell the war, Obama is staring re-election in the face in mid 2011 – when his opponents will be gearing up for the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire primary. Obama knows that he will be vulnerable on the left – and he knows what happened to Carter in 1980.
That the President was even considered for this lofty prize is thundering hypocrisy. Not a few scribes see this prize presented in OSLO, NATO Headquarters, as a political/budgetary plot for the subsistence and continuation of NATO. Obama's escalation, therefore fuels a continuation of war and NATO's continued presence and reason for existing. Origally mandated to counter Warsaw Pact aggression and or expansion, the question is…what the Hell is NATO doing in Afghanistan??
It may well be that the Europeans see NATO as a hedge against unbriddled American militarism.
How many Wheaties box tops does one have to send in to get the award next year? IF Obama was a man of character – he is NOT – he would not have accepted the award. All of that campaign rhetoric about peace has been one big LIE – he apparently is just as dumb and stupid as Bush – A SMILING IDIOT! It will be the end of the 'empire' as Krushchev predicted: "We don't have to worry about the United States. They will spend themselves out of existence." It has been written of Rome: "The Roman empire fell not because its armies weakened but because its citizens forgot what it was like to be Romans." Haven't we forgotten what Thomas Jefferson said: "We have not raised armies for glory or for conquest." Obama is one big LIE – his entire life is a LIE!
Why the Jerkass link?
What a prick!
The "limits of reason" exists when a nation's self-perception is defined by power. For as long as US believes that it has the power to impose its will — in war or in commerce — it will be afflicted by the "limits of reason". Irrespective of the international law, norms or even decent behaviour, the "power" does not see a reason for changing its mind, or conceding to the weaker. In the process, instead of strenthening the international law to insure the fairness in all matters, the "power" proceeds to trash it. Having trashed the law and human decency, the "power" then wonders about it being disliked, and in childish pout comes to realization that there are the "limits of reason' in dealing with the intransigent children of this globe. Take Kosovo as an example. For no good reason whatsoever, "the power" trashed UN Charter, and host of international laws to please its whims creating senseless "independence' without economic, legal or social infrastructure in place to make it real. Now, host of lawyers are in Hague defending this ridiculous whim, making taxpayer pay and pay and pay…
I voted for the traitor.
I want oreobama impeached, removed or recalled or whatever by any or all means.
He was a trojan neocon from the beginning.
No, he's not stupid, he did not awake to the reality of DC and become a transformation from the campaign trail.
this was planned all along…
continue the neocon wet dream full speed ahead, but bush is spent fuel, we need to do it with a veneer of liberalism… enter the new puppet showbama.
Those campaign promises? not even a veneer but patent lies.
which is more dangerous, bush or oreobama?
at least with bush we all hated him. He could have never pulled what orebama pulled in Honduras for example…
with oreobama many koolaid drikers still give him the benefit of the doubt, giving him time to have the neocon agenda become a fait accompli.
obama is a lot more dangerous than bush.
all DC deserves to be dangling from trees, except for some like Kucinich and Ron Paul, the rest deserve their blood to refresh the tree of Liberty.
There is no other way, we all know it, we all wish it were different, but there comes a time when we all see that there is only one way out of these messes, no matter how unpalatable it might be.
Before you have a new beginning you must first and permanently, completely and irrevocably get rid of the old that was the source of all this.
we cannot organize as we will be infiltrated, this must be the beginning of individual revolutionary acts which eventually will coalesce into a full blown popular revolution.
Long live our cherished US Constitution, Death to traitors!
Major flaws in Obama's Oslo speech:
1) false analogy – AlQaeda not same as Nazi Germany
2) straw man argument – only choice is not between pacifism or invasionescalation
3) nonsensical redefinition and expansion of 'self-defense' to now include stopping 'evil' and 'humanitarian' grounds. Alleging such motives supposedly excuse the invasion of Iraq and the consequent deaths and destruction. And evidently, Obama also contends such motives justify a decades long occupation of Afghanistan and imposition of a puppet government to preclude what is at most, a negligible potential future threat.
4) Rewriting history to falsely portray US as a defender of "democracy' instead of a defender of its perceived interests. Specifically, the US has backed the overthrow of democratic governments in Honduras, Guatemala, Chile, Iran, and Afghanistan. The US also backed Saddam's illegal invasion of Iran.
5) Omitting mention of primary US motives for invasion, occupation, and permanent military bases in Mideast. Namely, dominance of resources, petrodollar exchange, pipelines, war profits, and protection for allies such as despotic Saudi Arabia, and apartheid Israel.
What Obama should have said when he accepted the peace prize; "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, as head of the United States of Warstreet Empire, I am here to accept the peace prize and to offer my plan for world peace. My plan is simply this: we must have more wars and even bigger wars and we must have them as often as possible. In that way, we will bring peace to as many of the world's peoples as possible. In this way we can bring about a truly lasting and irrevocable peace; it will be the peace of the grave. Thank-you ladies and gentlemen."
The peace of the grave indeed.
In this season celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace no less.
The Biggest Winner of All
Big Old Military Industrial Complex as warned by Ike
For the first time, I actually agreed with something Obama said. War is not a good thing, however there are rare occasions that it is an evil necessity. We all dislike war and all of its effects. However the alternative, in some cases, is far worse. One must weigh the options. In the Afghan war, our options were easy. We could sit back and let the taliban take over Afghan, then they could give Al Qaeda a safe haven to recruit an train.(all of which was occurring long before the war began).
To the idiot that thinks this is all about opium. Why is it then that US forces are destroying thousands of acres of poppy fields at a time. Its simple math. In order for the talban or Al Qaeda to survive, they need cash. Their number one source is opium. If you destroy the poppy, you reduce or eliminate their means of financing the terror they impose on others.
I can honestly say that I do not like war. However, I also have to step off of my high horse long enough to look at what might be if we (the USA) had not entered into Afghan & Iraq. How many more 911s would there be? How many more attacks on American soil would have occurred? How many more attacks would there have been in other countries. If the USA were doing as Iraq did to bring on the first gulf war, or as Nazi Germany did to get the USA into Europe in WWII, then I would be 100% against either war. However, if (and that is a big if) we succeed in our missions there, then the people of Iraq & Afghanistan will one day be free to live the lives that we all take for granted in a free country.
All we need to do now is to get the politicians out of the military and let the men and women do the jobs they are trained to do. As long as this is a PC war, it can not be wont in a quick and decisive manner. If any of you believe that the pull out in mid 2011 will happen, then the jokes on you. Obama and his carnies know it wont. He had to say it to please the left. Already they are backtracking on the statement by saying many conditions must first be met before the pull out can begin. Think about it,,,, anyone that bought into his promises got snowed.
For any useful idiots that still believe America's propaganda about terra-ism, Al-Queda, or (snicker) bringing democracy and freedom to Afghanistan:
Video: The geopolitical goals of the Anglo-American Empire in Afghanistan Pakistan Iran…
There is no peace when a war president is given a peace prize. The president said so himself!
All hail war, so he said!
"Onwards, warriors!:" he exclaimed!
Fight!! he whispered in shouting.
"Blow your fellow human beings to smitthereens!" he continued.
"Blow skycrapers and bases!" the opponent readied his suicide bombers!
Fight! they repeated, presidents, terrorists, and peace-prize organizations.
"Don't give up on killing your fellows!!" they chanted in unison.
How sad… <weeps>
And funny!!