Leaders of both the House and the Senate today endorsed the idea of continued investigations into allegations that Russia “hacked the election” in the United States, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R – KY) justifying his position on the grounds that “the Russians are not our friends.”
Claims Russia was plotting to hack the election to install President-elect Donald Trump in power were the centerpiece of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and a month after the election Democrats continue to hype the narrative. The allegations gained considerable momentum Friday when the CIA claimed they had concluded Russia had indeed interfered in the election on behalf of Trump.
While Congressional Democrats were already pushing a flurry of investigations, that only added to the calls, and the White House now says they also support Congressional investigations into the matter. Even Sen. John McCain (R – AZ), who conceded there was no real evidence for the allegation Russia sought to effect the results, insisted that the lack of proof itself justified a probe.
While the Senate seems to be heading for huge investigations into the matter, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R – WI) insisted that there was no need for the House to launch any new investigations, saying it would duplicate the probe the House Intelligence Committee is already doing.
Trump has denied that his campaign was bolstered by Russia, attributing the allegations to the Democrats being mad at losing the election. He also dismissed the CIA claims, noting the CIA were the same people who claimed Saddam Hussein had WMDs.
Sen. McConnell defended the CIA claims as being inherently credible, insisting he has “the highest confidence” in the CIA, and that the CIA is “filled with selfless patriots” who “anonymously risk their lives for the American people.”
The lack of evidence seems tailor-made to ensure that the Congressional investigations will continue into next year and potentially beyond, meaning the allegations will be hanging over the Trump Administration for the foreseeable future.