It’s a cliche to say that the cushiest positions of influence in any US administration go to figures who were seen to have brought something to the table during the campaign. Yet with the election of Donald Trump, a lot of high-ranking neoconservatives are expecting the exact opposite, figuring that they can step right into positions of power and influence despite openly campaigning against Trump.
There are more than a few people who would normally be in line for top positions in a Republican White House, but who were very publicly part of the “Never Trump” crowd, attacking him throughout the primary and the general election. These same people are now making public their “willingness” to work with Trump.
In other words, they want the usual spoils of victory, but having positioned themselves as so firmly in opposition to Trump’s worldview, and to Trump in general, it’s not at all clear how willing Trump’s transition team is to consider such candidates for important positions.
The early indications are that a lot of the foreign policy-related positions are going to be going to high-ranking former military officials who backed Trump’s candidacy, with officials noting that long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have left them with a lot of such officials to choose from.
For many of the neocons, this is likely less about getting cushy jobs or fancy titles and more about ensuring that the US remains aggressively interventionist abroad. Indeed, many of these people split with Trump in the first place over concerns he was insufficiently hawkish, and now want jobs that would put them in a position to shift he new administration in those same hawkish directions.
Indeed, they aren’t sneaking, they are ringing the doorbell and being invited in with open arms. Sad that he doesn’t understand that the “SWAMP” consists of BOTH democrats and republicans and that the republican members are in fact some of the worst when it comes to crony capitalism, banking abuses, and warmongering.
Bolton is one to avoid he is a disastrous diplomat, the present UN representative S power needs to be pulled ASAP as well she is a complete loser.
Yep. Anyone putting “John Bolton at the UN” – into youtube
– can see exactly what kind of ‘hyper-asshole’ that guy is …
Trump and Pence are smart. They maybe can’t figure every single person out that they put in positions but they will soon fire them if they are playing games.
They went to Hillary, because she was willing to give them their wars.
Now she is defeated, in part because of those wars. They want to go back again.
They say Trump is dumb. First test — is he that dumb?
They say,…
Saddam had WMDs, the “surge” worked, Trump’s candidacy is a joke, Hillary will win, Obama’s approval rating is over 50%, unemployment is 4.9%, Trump is dumb.
“They” ……are…… — wait for it — ….. clueless.
Donald won’t let them in. Just 2 weeks ago, he publicly insulted Bill Kristol, called him a “loser”.
I am watching closely whether or not Giuliani gets any post. He may have campaigned for Trump, but if he sneaks into the administration we can kiss an honest investigation of 9/11 goodbye. Which may, in fact, be *why* Giuliani wanted to ingratiate himself to Trump in spite of Giuliani being an ardent Neocon: any honest investigation of 9/11 will implicate Giuliani in the destruction of evidence at the crime scene.
As I have been saying, it’s going to be hard to ‘drain the swamp’ with ‘ gators’ in the Cabinet. Trump should start fresh, people with no/few connections to the ‘Swamp’.
How about reinstating the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution for a start. Then he could go after those with ‘Titles of Nobility’ (lawyers for one) first.
Nice dream – now back to reality.
It’s hardly sneaking if the front door is wide open.
He better not. Tell the losers to go to hell
Stay strong, Donald.
“When the Soros-funded color revolution starts in America to overthrow the election of 2016, what color will it be?”
Trump is a cataylist for change,if things don’t change then we will know that he is just a front for the 1%. Kind of like sharpening the blade for the next time around.
Some of these second and third tier neocons are probably curable. They are the “just doing my job”-excuse people, albeit very faithful and zealous. But if you paid them enough, gave them a vision and agenda, they might turn against the neocons. Still, why risk it. For every competent person turned neocon there must be hundreds just as competent or even more who aren’t associated with that trash.
The problem that neoconnery sold itself as some form of patriotism. That’s why Trump has to keep his America First slogan during the presidency. It’s the basis for his mandate. An originary Patriotism free from neocon infestation.
Yes Bolton is one bad jerk keep him away Mr.president TRUMP you CAN find an HONEST person, a DEDICATED US CITIZEN no more HALF citizens ever again it’s AMERICAS FIRST LAST and ALWAYS!
Trump is smart. He may make a few mistakes but he will right any wrong doings and swamp inhabitants trying to slither in will go down the drain. He’s new to this. Sometimes all a person needs to be a good person is good leadership. He wouldn’t have such a successful company if he wasn’t able to figure people out He needs the support of the American’s that voted for him and they need to be patient with him as he navigates his new path. It stands to reason there will be some bad apple’s but good will prevail under his direction.
Ron Paul would be the perfect SoS.