Iraq’s recapture of the city of Fallujah, a Sunni Arab city held by ISIS for over two years, has been presented as “liberation” done right, with officials praising the relative lack of destruction, compared to the virtual leveling of nearby Ramadi.
But the hopes that this is going to lead to more rapprochement with the Sunni minority has a big problem, and that is reports that the Shi’ite militias operating in the city have been engaging in looting and arson, something they’ve become notorious for around the country.
Iraqi officials were conscious of this risk, and went so far as to promise that the militias involved in the battle for Fallujah would remain outside the city. Yet in the hours after the victory was announced, the militias started showing up inside the city.
Officials then tried to talk up the early hours that followed as going relatively incident free, but it wasn’t long before the reports of looting began. The same militias had several members detained by the government as part of an investigation during the battle itself that they were kidnapping civilians fleeing Fallujah, and had tortured several to death to try to get them to confess to being ISIS.
We are midlessly starting to partot globalist version of reality. We would not have sectarian conflicts if Saudi Arabia and US — aided ably by israel and other kindred caliphate souls of Gulf monarchies– woud cease and desist supporting Sunni Salafi cults, the admirers of Saudi Wahhabism. Like stop now. Ni more recruitment drives under “Assad/Infidel must go” slogans. No more monthly food and hygiene rations for Salafi cults and their families, no more transfers of money, arms, explosives making ingredients, no more telecom, no more supplies of “religious” leaders to coordinate the cults and their military ibjectives. No more sharing of intelligence eith cults via Saudi pipeline. STOP spreading the salafi cults in US and Europe — by banning Salafism, closing their centers and not allowing Saudi Arabia supply their Wahhabi religious leaders to mosques that Saudi Arabia built in US. It is up to Europe to figure this out — since clearly they would rather be smug and blame Islam then deal with Saudi sponsored Salafi cults.
In Iraq — same. It is a war out there and we are whining about the levels of destruction. We brought war to them and we did enable Sunni cults. We are curiously insensitive to the thousands of Iraqi civilians being blown up by unhappy Salafi cults — so much so that we forget that the cult kills Sunnis as well. And we are all shocked to find out that after a battle with the Cult — that fhere is destruction and looting. In June the Salafi cjlts have managed to plant bombs that killed nearly FIVE thousand of innocents of all ages and religious orientations. It is a deliberate lie nurtured in the media that in Iraq Sunnis and Shia are irreconcilably divided. Just a plain lie. Government has now most Sunni heads of tribes on their side — and Salafi cult occupied towns, villages and settlements are their hostages. How many Iraqi Sunni tribes and their leaders GENUINELY support the Salafi cult called ISIS? Probably none — as no Sunni tribe of Iraq would like to live in a caliphate as a subject of Wahhabi Mecca and Saudi ruler in Riyadh.
Thus a realistic way to frame the situation is as follows. Iraqi government is getting the support of the vast majority of population as fheir best hope for returning to peace and the rule if law. Opposing are cult-controlled groups, be they called ISIS, Al-Nusra, The Army if Conquest or other groups. The protests against the government was led by those who believed fhat the government is misled by US and exposed itself to untrustworthy relationship in twice going to Mosul just to be lefr out hanging to dry. This time the government went against explicit US demand to move yo Mosul again, and instead removed a center if ISUS operations in the Fallujah — gheir back yard. Only after ISIS fighters were expled did US attack their column. And it is not to help Iraqis as the stricken column was forced to infiltrate nearby villages — as opposed to seek safety in Saudi border proximity.
This is a dirty war of lighting the flame under the se tarian divide hoping for the war and chaos to last forever. Should a legitimate governments in Syria or Iraq be allowed to prevail, peace and order will be established in short order. But jt is precisely what is not allowed. And we are being taken by our noses to always feel sorry for the deaths, destruction and looting when GOVERNMENT suceeds in kicking out the cult from any town or village. But our pres is generraly MUM about the horrors that the population is exposed to while under the rule of Salafi cults.
In the meantime our propaganda tools such as Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty — attack governments of Central Asia for banning Salafi cults, of which ISIS is mist popular. Our “civic” associations in those countries lamast the governments for taking away Salafi rivhts to freedom of religion! We call them “peacefull, even ghough they just want “their caliphate”. We see now what our new pupils did in Istanbul. They are killing their osn Sunni people — as Turkey has turned disobedient by ditching the “Assad must go” prime minister and changing their policies in the region nit yo the liking of Saydi Arabia and US. Even Israel has caved in by allowing Turkey to ship humanitarian supplies to Gaza. This is a way to shame all rich Gulf monarchies for not helping — while getting sucked into geopolitical games that have destroyed many countries in the Muddle East and Nirth Africa.