Efforts to negotiate a ceasefire in Israel’s ongoing invasion of the Gaza Strip aren’t sitting well with Israeli hawks, and by extension that means they aren’t sitting well with the US Congress.
That’s got Congressional officials up in arms, pushing President Obama to stop trying to negotiate a ceasefire in the conflict, and instead to endorse Israel’s war unconditionally, and irrespective of how bad it gets.
Underscoring just how far they’ll go, Sen. Mark Kirk (R – IL) insisted he was totally comfortable with Israel killing thousands of civilians in the current war if it meant wiping out Hamas, saying it was “worth it.”
Israel is already pushing up against 1,000 dead civilians in the ongoing war, and while they’re not even talking about the idea of wiping out Hamas, they are talking up a long war going forward, meaning Sen. Kirk might get his thousands of dead Gazans, albeit not with the elimination of Hamas to go along with it.
The us Democratic Party belongs to AIPAC, the congress is their branch.
Mark Kirk is a Republican; the Republicans are way more in the tank for that treasonous AIPAC group.
Same shiiiiit different alphabet.
Menendez and Shumer are Democrats and are indeed Israeli Agents in the Senate. Graham is a Republican and tries to out grovel the Democrats with the Other Israeli Agents at AIPAC. Both political parties have way too many traitors who are willing to give Israel our last dollar and the last pint of our soldiers blood.
Sen. Mark Kirk (R – IL) …… The R stands for republican.
Sen. Harry“We should not give the Israeli people the minimum amount of aid and then cross our fingers and hope it all works out in the future, we can do better and need to go further in protecting Israel.”Reid (D- NV)………The D stands for democrat.
R or D, same shiiiiiiite different alphabet.
Should be an I for idiot.
troglodites somehow lost in the "holy land" trying to return to Hades where they belong
We have too many congress people and senators representing Israel rather than the US. We are forced to pay for the horrific slaughter we are witnessing with our tax money because our congress votes to give them all the support they want. I resent it deeply and many Americans do. This attack on Gaza is immoral and I do not want the blood of the children on my hands.
What kind of degraded filth represents us, anyway? Kirk could use a peoples' tribunal and some rehabilitation to assist him with his disease.
The bloodlust of Congress is appaling.. Obviously these people are more interested in securing their campaign contributions from AIPAC than any display of humanity for the suffering of thousands of Palestinians who cannot defend themselves from the murderous Isreali rogue state subsidised by BILLIONS of US Taxpayers money.
You can't display humanity if you lack it to begin with…and I'm sure Kirk believes himself a good Christian.
So true, I wish all Americans were not sheep, and could have a independant opinion about the conflict that is only sustainable because of American support. I am a white South African, and if I look back at how we treated our fellow citizens, I am ashamed. Our only redeeming moment was not to let out country degenerate into a civil war, but our leaders had the courage to change. The American politicians are owned by AIPAC, everyone knows they have clearly state there position with regards to Zionist Israel, how pathetic is that. Israel, a state of 6 million Jews, controls the only super power. MAY GOD HELP US!!!
In front of the whole world to see, Zionist Jewish Israel is carrying out the work of Satan, carrying out the work of evil and The United States Congress applauds their actions, as well as the United States Senate. They have become the accomplices of evil and may it recoil upon them.
As for Obama and his henchmen, they all knew what the Zionist Jews were going to do beforehand and now so as not to tarnish their image they're pushing for a cease fire. The American alliance with Israel is absolutely the worst entanglement in American history. It's time for The United States Government to wake up and cut all ties with this monstrous entity called Israel.
Without discussing the responsibilities of who started and who has the right, only by peacefull actions the conflict can be resolved
If you want to get rid of Hamas, you might as well wipe out the entire Palestinian population in Gaza and the West Bank because I assure you that people will rise from the ashes to fight for their lands, freedom and human dignity.
Hamas is just a reaction to oppression. When you wipe out Hamas, you don't wipe out the reaction. Expect Hamas 2, 3, 4, etc. if Israel keeps its current policies.
If I would say ,using mr.Kirk's and other warmongerers logic, "If we would wipe out Kirk and other
warmongerers and their entire families (just to be sure),maybe the world would become a better place" ,most people would view me as a dangerous psychopath.
And I would be locked up , or more likely in the USA today , shot.
Yet people like Kirk are able to make statements like this with impunity .
Even worse, people like him get elected by the American people.
It's time the US Congress call for a Full Congressional Investitation into the Attack on the USS Liberty! Israel is NOT our friend! Remember the USS Liberty!! Boycott & Divest!
Not to worry, this war will not last more than 30 days. That's Israel's limit. This is why Israel will never attack Iran. They can't fight a sustained war. If this war last more than 30days Look for a lot of Israeli's to flee! AND THEY WON'T BE BACK ANYTIME SOON!!! I read that 40% would leave Israel if they could war or no war.
Any Representative or Senator who takes money from AIPAC or any other group in the Israel Lobby should be voted out of office. These people are traitors to America.