Despite being the public face for a lot of the Obama Administration’s recent interventionist fervor, Secretary of State John Kerry has found himself the face of peace in Israel, and not in a good way.
During the waning months of the collapsed peace talks with the Palestinian Authority, Israeli hawks were blasting Kerry on a daily basis, accusing him of “anti-semitism” for pushing Israel to make concessions.
He’s there again, and his high-profile involvement in efforts to negotiate a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip has once again earned him the ire of Israel’s far-right, which is blasting him as an “alien” who is trying to destroy Israel by negotiating an end to the ongoing war.
Israeli officials made clear their primary objection to the Kerry plan was that it ended their attacks on tunnels in the strip, effectively meaning they didn’t want a ceasefire that would require an actually cessation of firing.
State Department officials criticized the Israeli comments as a “misinformation campaign,” insisting it is “not how allies treat each other.”
The draft plan, leaked in broad strokes to the Israeli media, seemed willing to grant Hamas some of its demands, including allowing them to open up a UN-operated seaport to end the Israeli blockade. With so much of the current war built around either side being able to spin the end as a “victory,” any deal remotely acceptable to Hamas is likely to be blasted by Israeli officials as capitulation.
When the Zionists accuse someone like Kerry of being "antisemitic" it shows two things. One, the term is meaningless and two, the Zionists are running scared. Israel may not be long for this world.
Really? Who threatens them? Seems to me they can commit whatever war crimes they want and we will still pay them the 4 billion to commit more. They do things now as a matter of course that Golda Meir and Yitzak Rabin would have been ashamed of.
no they wouldn't
i do not know about Israel ,but surely USA seems that way , more terror powers for Obama , you saw 10 000 paramiltary force deployed in Boston to search for 2 kids ? that eas training exersice for the collapse of the mighty $ .comming soon to the theatre near you.
Botox Lurch has just learned that if you lie down with Zionist dogs, fleas will be the least of your worries upon awakening…….
The us Democratic Party is controlled by the far right entity of Israel and Kerry is one of them. He do not have a clue what is peace or what is the Palestinians right, because they all have become def and blinded by the AIPAC social economic and political influence within the party. In the other hand they don't have any other friends in Middle East but Israel, lately however, Barack Hussein Obama is trying to brake away without losing any payments of funds to Israel, for Israel to defuse his politics is to start a war with Palestinians, in this case with people in Gaza.
For last few years Israel wanting to bomb Iran which Israel sees the Iranian nuclear as a threat to its military domination in the region. USG categorically have refused to cooperate with Israel bombing the Iranian nuclear facilities. Hamas is one of the movement which highly supported by Iranian, Israel without USG green light cannot start bombing Iran. For a political balanced Middle East, there needed to be a powerful "Islamic" regime which could withstand Israel bullying which therefore the Islamic republic of Iran was created in 1979. Jimmy Carter could not have proceed the same politics with Saudis for two reason, 1- geographically Saudi is to close to Israel. 2- Saudis don't have the manpower nor they can be trusted and there is lots of oil at stake fir Israel to grab.
For las 8 years, Barack Hussein Obama with his manipulative, double standard politics and a falsified democratic approach have managed to satisfy Saudis by engaging the Saudis barbarians in Syria and Iraq creating what has become a barbarian state of a caliphate regime.
Now that is certain that Iraq and Syria is divided among caliphate and others, now that is certain that democracy and democratic movement in the region is killed by Barack Hussein Obama, now that Saudis and Qatar brutal regimes are satisfied is time for Israel to start his own war where Netanyahu regime can demand more of free stuff and money from American working man and women. The US Democratic Party is managed by political con artist from when Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright started conning the people.
Botox Lurch! Ha! Good touch Pax. Just shows us how confident the Nazi Israelis are in the complete control they exercise through their Israel firster fifth columnists and control of the media. We pay for everything and they spit in our face.