An unnamed top administration official says that President Obama, in announcing his planned military intervention in Iraq, was not ruling out airstrikes against targets inside Syria as well.
“We don’t restrict potential US action to a specific geographic space,” the official added, say they would act against ISIS wherever they believe is “necessary to defend the United States.”
Though it was the fall of territory in Iraq that got the administration on the intervention bandwagon against ISIS, the group has at least as much territory in northern and eastern Syria, where it has been the most successful of Syria’s rebels.
US involvement in Syria against ISIS would put it in a position of aiding the Assad government, despite months of throwing arms and money at various rebel factions. It would also add to anti-US sentiment among regional Sunnis, since it would amount to the US attacking the largest Sunni rebel faction fighting against two Shi’ite-ruled nations.
USA should remove the Iranian influance in Iraq and Syria, by removing the puppets of Iran; Assad and Maliki
Nice to see you support terrorists in Syria and Iraq like Obama and most Republicans do.
No surprise there. They might accidentally bomb some government troops too.
Unless Obama uses ISIS as a foot in the door for also committing further aggression against Syria, this time by airstrikes in addition to illegally aiding jihadists.
Is Assad and Obama going to be playing in the same sand box?
All this talk about ISIS. Could this be just a cover for US military intervention in Syria by starting an air campaign with the story line about ISIS and then hit Syrian army targets? Since we do not recognize Bashar al-Asad and have worked for his demise, just how do we coordinate with the Syrian government to insure our planes hit ISIS? No, this is just a ploy by Obama et al to attack Asad, and really help bring about ISIS victory in the area. Warnings by our good buddies Qatar and Saudi Arabia about any attack on ISIS as an attack on ALL Sunni Muslims must have made an impact in DC.
ISIS is really nothing. The real control is the former Sunni Insurgency made up of the former Baathist regime, Special Republican guards, and the intelligence services. ISIS is their useful idiots. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama is working with them in to destable the Iraq.
I hope the Russians retaliate by launching similar airstrikes in Ukraine.