Last week’s emergency visits to Israel to try to rescue the faltering peace talks, and a flurry of different proposals which have been shot down by either Israel, Palestine, or both have the Obama Administration increasingly souring on the process, and suggesting their involvement may be coming to an end.
Secretary of State John Kerry declared that there are “limits to the amount of time and effort” the US was willing to expend on the talks when “the parties themselves are unwilling to take constructive steps.”
Kerry went on to say that it was time for both Israel and the Palestinians to have a “reality check” on their interest in the talks, and that the US “are not going to sit there indefinitely” waiting for them to start taking the process seriously.
The realization that the talks are going nowhere seems to have reached both Israel and the Palestinians long before the Obama Administration, and the talks have been dead for all intents and purposes for at least a week now. The reluctance of either side to formally exit the talks is more a function of trying to shift blame to the other side.
Let’s be realistic, there never was a peace negotiation, there have been talks about negotiating, but never about Palestinians objectives or Palestinians rights negotiated at any time, during Bill Clinton or before him or now, during Bush regime or before and after him. This is a simple mathematic, you know the victim, you know the thieve/s, if there was a egalitarian thinking from part of USG or EU governing body, if there was a legal, I mean a real legal court not influenced by Bill Clinton legal corporation, foundation or Tony Blair advocacy, the thieves were jailed and stolen lands would have been returned, after all how long a real and just, based on laws and facts would take to settle? Its 50 years enough, a good time frame for negotiating! knowing and proven that, thieves are still on the issue stealing Palestinians land.
Abbas has no incentive whatsoever to continue talking with big Satan and little Satan and he should have walked away a long time ago and gone straight to the UN, which of course neither US nor Israel wants.
60Y Years of US supporting the illegal occupation and the problem has metastasized yet Kerry thought he could walk in and do a little Jack Horner and pull a peace agreement where Netanyahu's illegal occupation and squatter settlements would be a 'fait accompli' and the Palestinians accept being 'rogered' again.
Obama's legal mind will rail at the thought of using the ONE US veto in continued support of the illegal entity of land thieves and mass murderers.
THE UN? the UN created Israel, and they stand aside and watched the atrocities committed on a daily basic and do absolutely nothing, its ineffective, corrupt, and biased. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the leopard to change it's spots.
|Israel should be relocated to Eniwetok and nuclear testing should be resumed there.
Israel’s pseudo-religion created by the male chauvinist Hebrew-Christian mindset has erected an insurmountable ideological barrier that will never allow the Palestinians to reclaim their legitimate homeland.
Shouldn't Kerry's head be somewhat lower?
Obama should do what he really believes. He should stop pretending. Obama is on the side of the Palestinians, and he should change official policy to conform to his beliefs. He should cut off Israel's subsidy, and declare that he will give arms to the Palestinians unless Israel complies with his wishes.
Obama should do what he really believes. He should stop pretending for political reasons. Obama is on the side of the Palestinians, and he should change official policy to conform to his beliefs. He should cut off Israel's subsidy, and declare that he will give arms to the Palestinians unless Israel complies with his wishes. Maybe once his Party loses the Senate and Obama has nothing left to lose, he will do this.
Seriously??? Obama is Hebrew through and through.
You are seriously deluded man.
That religion was forced upon him by 'AIPAC.'
Obama has done nor said nothing that might even circumstantially indicate that he is "on the side of the Palestinians." He has been way too afraid of the stick Bibi waves under his nose.
…..And the Lobbyists who has a gun to his head.
Kerry seems not to have noticed that the talks collapsed shortly after they began when Israel began announcing new settlements far in excess of the number agreed to before talks began, and Israel unilaterally changed the agreement to release Palestinian prisoners. The only nation to get what they want from peace talks is Israel, which has continued building settlements, oppressing Palestinians, and blackmailing the USG throughout the process. Enough is enough. Kerry should – but probably won't – follow through with ditching any further involvement in talks. Israel has no intention of making peace until all of "Greater Israel" is theirs. Opinions differ about what "Greater" or "Eretz" Israel means. See various maps here – scroll down:
Kerry seems not to have noticed that the talks collapsed shortly after they began when Israel began announcing new settlements far in excess of the number agreed to before talks began, and Israel unilaterally changed the agreement to release Palestinian prisoners. The only nation to get what they want from peace talks is Israel, which has continued building settlements, oppressing Palestinians, and blackmailing the USG throughout the process. Enough is enough. Kerry should – but probably won't – follow through with ditching any further involvement in talks. Israel has no intention of making peace until all of "Greater Israel" is theirs. Opinions differ about what "Greater" or "Eretz" Israel means. See various maps here – scroll down:
The "talks" were always just a sham. I hate to think what America might have accomplished if all this time and energy so wasted had been poured into a constructive pursuit.
The Israelis have discovered that the goal is to “process” them with “peace”. Pretending like it’s 1999 and everyone is naive about it will only make the situation worse.
How about this . Israel stops giving work, food, electricity and plumbing shuts off its borders permenantly . Grows its own food, makes it own energy . And watches all u haters blow each other up in s thermo nuclear war over energy and food .regardless of which side u want to take . People u are proper fockcocked by ur needs and dependence foreign trade and culture sold to u by the west.
Isreal cannot survive without billions of dollars in aid from the US.
The only thing that keeps Isreal going is the unlimited flow of American dollars
All o the "negotiations" have been to reinforce Israel's illegal controls. Every facet of the Oslo process has been abandoned by Israel, whose interest in peace is NIL. Even the last few prisoners to be released after decades has been nixed. The craven attitude to Israel is disgusting.
The complete insanity of the so-called "peace negotiations" should be clear to anyone by now.
There was only always a biased attempt by the US and Isreal to FORCE Palestinians into a SLAVE Nation under the guns and boots of Isreal.
Just because the USA can't make the "peace talks" work doesn't mean that they will let anyone else try – this whole facade was just to let Israel continue to play its little "steal a little here, steal a little there, and soon you have it all" game. The USA is not ineffective; they are playing their part as a blind referee perfectly.The Zionists are winning but what a lot of bad karma they are piling up in the process. If and when they stumble, no-one will give them a leg up.